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baby <33

i'm sorry

please text me back


i'm sorry okay?
just give me a chance
to explain


please text me as
soon as you see this
read 11:59 a.m

i sighed as i locked my phone. it's been exactly twenty four hours and mattia hasn't spoken to me. i know what i did was wrong, but i wish he gave me a chance to explain why i didn't tell him.

i sighed as the lunch bell rang, great looks like i'm sitting alone today. i walked out of class and went to lunch. i don't even feel like eating.

i went ahead and sat down on one of the lunch tables. from afar, i saw mattia and his boys with their lunch sitting in their usual seats.

i make eye contact with mattia before he looks away and returns his focus on the conversation he's having. the boys then turn around and look at me, throwing me a wave.

they're definitely talking about me.

i wave back before putting my head down and using my phone. soon enough, alejandro approaches me and sits down in front of me.

"what are you doing?" he asked.

"what does it look like i'm doing?" i asked him. "i'm using my phone to hide the fact that i'm miserable."

he laughs, "calm down, he'll get over it." alejandro told me. "tell me your side of the story."

i sighed, "i went to hector's house-"

"that's already a red flag." he interrupts me.

"what? how?" i asked him. "i went to do a project."

"how does mattia feel about hector?" he asked me.

"he doesn't like him." i tell him.

"then why would mattia be okay with that?" he asked me.

"because it was for a project." i defend myself.

"continue." he tells me.

"i went to his house and i worked on the project with him and then we ate pizza. i had some sauce on my face and i couldn't get it myself so he, i didn't tell him to, but he grabbed a napkin and cleaned it and then he tried to kiss me but i pushed him away and left." i explained and he sighed.

"well at least you pushed him away." he told me. "madison i love you, but you're not the one that's right here."

"i didn't tell him because i knew he'd react angrily and god knows what he would've done to hector." i tell him.

"so you didn't tell him to protect hector?" he asked me.

"no!" i said rather too loudly. "i didn't tell him because i didn't want him fighting or arguing with anyone."

"just think of it this way." he started. "when cynthia tried to kiss him, he did the same exact thing except he told you about it right after it happened." he said. "he had the same thought process, he thought you were gonna get mad, that you were gonna break up with him, but look how good of a reaction you had when he told you immediately."

i sigh, he's so right. in fact, this is the most right he's ever been.

"mattia's smart, he wouldn't do anything stupid." he tells me.

"he fought mariano in miami for hitting on me, imagine what he would've done to hector for trying to kiss me." i cross my arms.

"good point." he laughs and i smile. "but still, he just wanted you to be honest from the beginning and that's what hurt him the most."

my vision fogs up and tears fall down my cheeks, "i fucked up." i said and he sighed before sitting next to me.

"i'm not even gonna lie to you." he said and i laughed as i hit him.

"thank you ale, i needed to hear everything that you just told me." i told him and he smiled.

"he'll get over it soon, he's gonna stop talking to you for a while and then he'll text you to fix it." he tells me and i breathed in.

that gives me a little bit of hope.

author's note
alejandro do be speaking fax tho

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