20; 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙩

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"woozi just met his brother who became a fukuro mafia member. he's going to rage. don't go here." wonwoo says through the earpiece, alerting the other members. wow, that was a sudden and unexpected revelation of jihoon's background, but did any of them really have time to react about it?

jeonghan facepalmed. "what are we supposed to do? woozi will be uncontrollable once his brother is being talked about, much more when he's present. that building is going to be in ruins soon."

"let's call the police and tell them to block off the area around this apartment. hoshi took care of the other residents, so that's okay—but what are we going to do if somebody sees us fighting with abilities?" mingyu bit his lip, following seungcheol who was walking down the fire exit stairs of the apartment building. all the members halt for a moment.

the ground was shaking. jihoon is indeed going to rage. they hurry downstairs before something happens to them.

"okay, call the police, 97. and, joshua, please make an illusion so the people won't see us." seungcheol says. the two people called did what they were told.

"there they are!" a manly voice says. in high hopes, seungcheol turns to see if it was wonwoo and the others. when he saw who they were, he frowned at them. he aims one gun at the guard who leads all the other guards.

"shit, shit." junhui says, as guards swarm all around them. "red demon, take care of them!" junhui shouts, but he regrets it sooner. he moved on impulse.

the demoness appears, coming out of junhui's body, its host. she made sure all the guards were slain neatly, before coming back in junhui's body.

"sorry." junhui spat, looking at the dead bodies of the guards. he was frustrated at himself, for using the red demon too early and too abruptly. though these guards work for an organisation like fukuro, they still deserved a second chance.

ironic for a killer to be on the good side, right?

that's junhui's ability. he can tell the red demon who the target is, but he can't control her from killing. the demoness never spares the lives of her targets. he wants to control her, believe him, he does—but junhui himself is afraid that she might turn against junhui and suffer unimaginable consequences.

though junhui wasn't the one who killed those people, he's knew that he's still responsible for their deaths. sooner, he will need to address that problem and tame the red demon.

"nice to see my only family after a while! how are you, my dearest brother?"

"you're not my family."

"i'm not?" minhyuk laughs, playing with ice. "the blood that runs in my veins is yours too."

"fuck you!"

"sheesh!" minhyuk laughed. "this is why i hate family drama!" minhyuk's sunshine-like aura drops, and is replaced with an aura like jihoon's.

"you have a debt. i'll make you pay." jihoon replied. before he was able to make a move on minhyuk, his feet are frozen again. wonwoo was frozen, too—but minghao wasn't affected. as soon as the ice went to him, it melted.

"yeah, try to freeze me and you're ashes five seconds later." minghao crouches and sets fire on the carpeted floor. the ice that restricted jihoon and wonwoo melts, now fukuro had nowhere to go to avoid the fire—the only choice was to jump off.

"minhyuk, let's jump—" jinyoung was cut off when the fire finally melted the ice on jihoon and wonwoo. jihoon immediately jumps at minhyuk, catching him off guard. because of the force and power that jihoon had with that lunge, the brothers were thrown out of the window.

jihoon let himself fall with minhyuk, placing two of his hands on minhyuk's neck. "you bastard, you should die!"

"we're going to—!" minhyuk exclaimed, trying to get out of jihoon's strangulation. he freezes jihoon's wrists, making the grip lighter.

minhyuk laughs, pulling away from the smaller. the last minute, minhyuk makes ice for him to slide on, so he safely lands. when jihoon landed, he continued attacking minhyuk. the others tried to take down minhyuk, too, but minhyuk was too smart—he makes big walls of ice to block off their attacks, and makes a counterattack only once in a while. he decided to give his all when all of them are exhausted.

"the8, let's go." wonwoo grasps minghao's wrist, floating down to the ground. what surprised them was jinyoung and youngjae floating down as well. the two fukuro members separate. jinyoung was trying to escape, while youngjae notices minghao and wonwoo's gazes on him.

youngjae laughed maniacally. "oooh, did you not expect that?" he walks closer to wonwoo. "you're a newbie, aren't you? why don't we... get to know each other better?" youngjae raised his hand to touch wonwoo's face, but wonwoo knew better. he kicks youngjae away with unexpected power. that kick had to do something with wonwoo's gravity.

"you can keep on doing that, but i'm one step ahead!" youngjae replied, standing up with a giggle. youngjae softly kicks wonwoo's leg, but that light attack somehow swept him off his feet. "did you feel that? it's gravity. we can fight, we can fight! we have the same power, but different sides, that duel would be the best!"

fuck, when did he touch me?! wonwoo replied with a punch. youngjae was bleeding at this point, but he attacked again. "the8! i'll handle this, help the others!"

"i'll call the others to help you, hang on!" minghao completely disappeared, leaving wonwoo all alone in facing youngjae.

wonwoo realized that with every attack, youngjae is getting stronger. of course, that's because they come in contact, skin to skin. more contact, longer time of having wonwoo's ability. wonwoo needed to put him down somehow, so he could have a better opening. yes, he's thinking while fighting youngjae so wonwoo looks like he got beaten, but not until now.

wonwoo blocked off youngjae's incoming punch, mustering all nearby gravitational force. the others might've felt lighter, due to wonwoo's doing.

"huh. wow! what a smart kid!" youngjae ends up on the ground, though he was the one who attacked. he laughs, trying to get back up on his feet. "you know gravity principles well, hmm?"

"i don't think you're one step ahead." wonwoo looks down on youngjae. "when you go up the stairs, you get tired, right? because you're fighting against gravity. i placed a really strong force of gravity behind you, too, so when you went against it—" a gunshot. wonwoo looks up and sees mingyu holding a revolver, who used it on youngjae. "you get exhausted."

"i'll get him to the police so he doesn't cause any more trouble," mingyu said, writing something on his notebook. he rips the page off, and it turns into handcuffs. he cuffs youngjae's hands from behind, getting a little blood on him (mingyu shot youngjae's hand after all) before dragging him outside to the area where police awaited. hyunwoo was the one who met them there.

wonwoo dropped to the ground, exhausted. that one blow totally took a lot of energy. he's guilty that he's just watching the others fight the remaining two fukuro members, but could he really be of any help?


as long as wonwoo can move, he'll help. "whatever." wonwoo muttered to himself, standing and running to help.

𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now