june 2, 2020

8 1 2

11:55 p.m.

today has been emotional. today, people across instagram and maybe other social media platforms participated in #blackouttuesday. we posted a black image in solidarity and took time to educate ourselves and others and take action in any way we can. donate to organizations, sign petitions, call or text people in power. 

i've seen so many videos of protests--nonviolent as well as those that become violent because of the police's actions--and i get chills every single time. i don't know when we'll see change and justice. i cry thinking about what the world is like from my black brothers and sisters' perspective. i cry thinking about the fact that so many have died and so many more will die due to racial injustice and police brutality. this system in america is so broken, and i don't know why those in power won't do something about it.

today i went back and rewatched a spoken word that i had found a couple years ago. it's called "letter to your flag" i believe. go give it a listen. it's powerful. 

we have got to get past this. we need to see change. 

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