Chapter 38

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I'm filled with mixed emotions. I'm so confused and I don't even remember what happened and what didn't. When I got home I sat down and took some time to think. I organized the events in chronological order.

1. Miles went to Adam's party
2. I went to aunts wedding
3. I met Max
4. Miles tells me he cheats on me
5. I don't break up with him
6. I storm out
7. I go to Danes party
8. I almost have sex with Max

When I was done thinking I decided that this was what had happened. These past few days have been such a blur that I don't even remember if I'm single or not. So I could have either cheated back on my boyfriend OR I could be single and slept with Max. I don't remember breaking up with miles though so I think it's the first option. Or maybe he broke up with me. When he told me he had cheated on me I kind of shut him out and left. I hope he broke up with me because if he didn't, then I just did the same horrible thing that he did to me. But if he did it to me then why can't i do it to him? Trying to sort out my thoughts gets me even more confused.

I stick with the worst option just to be ready for the consequences. So right now I'm assuming that I am still dating miles and I cheated on him. I don't feel bad. I don't think I should. Were not together anymore and we both know it. We just haven't officially said it. I'm not going to bring it up though.

Tomorrow I'm going to get through my day without miles getting in my way. If he brings it up, then yea I'll break up with him. But he won't bring it up. I know miles. His ego is to big to let a girl break up with him. If HE breaks up with ME then that's fine too, but he looked too sorry to cheat on me AND break up with me. He won't do that either.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. Thank god today is a student holiday. I needed today to get myself together.

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