Burden of paper

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Burden of paper

The simplistic style of the cream background

The sharp and bold black ink sprawled

It's so simplistic, leather hugged,

Produced in the dozen and yet in none.

The kingdoms worlds beings creatures wonders ,magic

It's all in there,

Spectors planets satellites heroes villains power justice, agape

Being hugged by leather,

Such adventures, such journeys

Held in paper a fragile thing really,

Do we ever hope to bare the same burden as paper?

The skin of trees hold so much emotion , such knowledge , such memories

We'll never understand the burden on paper.

Although we try , we try and absorb the words , the feelings , the knowledge

But we won't understand the burden that's placed on the papers you read.

The tears it's wiped away.

The tears it's caused,

The smiles it's created,

The lives it's impacted,

The troubles it's seen.

We'd never understand

The burden of paper.


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