a perfect world

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A perfect world

I would like you to imagine if you will

A perfect world full of peace and free will

Where all inhabitants could do as they may

And flowers bloom in the sunny rays of May

Where every creature is rich

And all the fruits and flavours are rich

Where the most pain we feel is a pinch

Where no families need to be in a pinch

Where nothing is worthless

And everything is equal, nothing worth less.

Where no person would tell a lie

Everyone has a house, has a bed to lie

There will be no sadness, only happiness will cause a tear

You can play, run, jump, and no clothing shall gain a tear

No horror shall make the mouth go agape

There will be happiness, joy and agape

To no-one a person may bow

Everything will be perfect down to the littlest bow

Each piece of music will entrance

Welcoming will be every entrance

There will be no need for evening

The beauty of sunset will shine every evening

That sounds all good and well

But I rather like a few cracks in a well

Trying your hardest to do the perfect split

There would be no need for a new purse if your old oen didn't split

Our world doesn't need to be perfect

We don't need to know every pure fact

As close as we get with every pure effect

I don't think I ever want perfect


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