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Using two legs,
None of his own,
Totally uncomprehensive, a babbling listener,
The weakest time for the bone.
Using four legs,
But not quite,
Snuggling all day,
Distressed all night.
Using two legs,
Personality, curiosity and the thirst for adventure grows,
Troublesome little things they are,
Keeping his guardians on their toes.
Standing on stacks of books,
It's the most important year,
Graduation, exams and social expectations,
Fills him with joy, happiness and fear.
Sharing four legs,
He befriends a wife,
Someone to love, care for and treasure
All of his life!
Sharing six legs,
Holding the embodiment of the love he feels,
A gentle soul, a heart to guide, what he was missing,
The creature of laughter, tears and the beginning of family meals.
Walking on one leg, borrowing two and a pair of handles,
Time has been kind to him, life has been kind to him,
He guided lost souls, brightened smiles, warmed hearts ,
If you asked him, it'd be his favourite film.
His journey is ending,
But he does not fear,
Because he witnessed every moment,
Of his beautiful journey.

Poetry of a Blind GirlWhere stories live. Discover now