shadowed harmonised hurt

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Shadowed harmonised hurt

The one stable stand shattered sharply

Slicing soft skin,

Glistening in the gleam of the glittery and glossy rain

The pressure powerfully pushed through

Piercing pathetic porcelain,

Structure smashed, shamefully sabotaged

Honestly hindered hopefulness

Helplessness highlighted through harmony,

Deep despair destructs desires defiantly,

Hurt hurdles horrendously through her heart

Treason transforms trust into terror and torment.

Realizing reality rather ruthlessly rendered her repulsed

She stands sorrowful, still submerged, swiftly spiralling spiritually

Peacefully pretending puppets prance proudly

Slumber sooths small sniffles

Woes wander without wisdom

Worries weave through winter wonderlands


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