It's my life

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It's my life

I've been broken I've been stepped on,

But who notices no one.

The glasses on my face have been broken too many times.

I'm sick of this my life is full of rhymes.

What is life a contest?

I gotta change my effin' mindset.

Will it make me fit in would I be one of you then?

I'm sure I'll fit in just tell me when

I'd be a white sheep but I suit black better.

I try to tell myself how looks shouldn't even matter.

Fit in or be myself well I prefer the latter,

It ain't my decision to make though it should be,

I lock myself in and give the others the key,

I witness it on others and my mouth fills with a tang,

If society corrupts it'll end with a hang, clang then bang,

It's either be Ken or be Killed,

Into their head this idea was drilled ,

The need to be perfect ,

The need to be worth it,

Is it worth it in the end?

To go straight ahead and not round the bend?

You won't know what you missed,

You'll accept it because you were once kissed.

But not me this is my life and my glasses have been broken too many times,

I've fought hard and have stayed strong and I will until I hear the funeral chimes,

Because I refuse to be silent I refuse to not speak up,

And although I may spend nights cradling that cup.

Sitting in the corner of the club not knowing what to do or wat to say,

At least I'm not influenced At least I'm doing things my way,

But this rhyme has gone on way to long,

I've said my speech I've sang my song,

But I'm strong So I won't pick up society's knife,

Because this is my life


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