aftermath of a good time

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The aftermath of a good time

The blood red sky was bright through the window

I stood holding the certain

Uncertain if I should look away

I was in a fit of the vapours

I wanted to watch the night draw closer

I wanted to watch the fireflies dance

The painful sound of a xylophone rang from my speakers

It felt like it was my eyes being hit with every note instead of the instrument

Though I had to remind myself; this was my fault.

The memories flashed in the window

I was watching last night on a television screen

The music was still so very loud in my head

This morning I woke up to blue skies , bright blue skies

I was glad the day was lazy

Work would have killed me

We spent the night laughing and crying

We were smiling and sobbing

It was a very emotional and mixed up day

It was a bittersweet feeling that I was feeling

It was a joyous day full of happiness

Yet a day full of realizations and relity checks

Two people became united yesterday

A bond made in stone and gold

The circle connected perfectly

I stood and clapped and smiled

Though my mind was going wild

The loneliness was ever present in my mind

I watched the fireflies dance

Having un with each other and illuminating the dark

Being a glimmer of hope in the once passionate sky

I heard a small meow from behind me as I was joined at the window'

My hand instinctively met with warm fur

My small companion offered compassion and condolence

I suppose fate is still drawing my circle

Which I suppose is might be a big circle

Love is love and I'll find my love when the ends meet

A circle may be never-ending

But so is infinity


I'm hoping for infinity


Poetry of a Blind GirlWhere stories live. Discover now