we make the world

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We make the world

The thinker thinks

Whilst the writer writes

But the writer needs to think to write

The thinker thinks

The painter paints

But the painter needs to think to paint

The thinker thinks

The runner runs

But the runner needs to think to run

We all have the power to think

We all have that power to do these things

We may not be able to do them all

But once we think and put our thoughts to action

Or our thoughts to paper

We could change a persons' life

That person could go and change another person's life

And we can change the world one person at a time.

I write and type what I think in forms of books, poems and blogs

I converse with people, I make a difference to people.

In this beautiful world holds beautiful people.

Our appreciation and acceptance of this world is what makes it beautiful.

We built buildings , we grow trees, we plant flowers

We build bonds, we grow friendships and we plant ideas.

Our bonds and friendships and thoughts

Our conversations, our laughter our connections

They're all natural and beautiful .


Poetry of a Blind GirlWhere stories live. Discover now