Flirty friend

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Jimin POV:

As we got home to the mansion I unpacked my bags in my new room. I had packed some decor(paintings, Kyoungs drawing and so on) and of corse some clothes. I put the clothes in the empty drawer and changed into a soft white v-neck sweater and some small red shorts that revealed a small bit of my asscheeks. They made me very feel sexy, and feminine.

I went down to the kitchen where Tae sat. He was playing a mobile game on his phone. He was very concentrated, with his tongue sticking out his mouth. I sat down on the chair in front of him and after a minute or two he slammed his fist down on the table. "No! How the fuck could he win!? He didn't even..-ugh!" Tae threw his phone at the ground. I signed at rolled my eyes at him. "All of that for a mobile game" I giggled.

Tae and I started talking, and we talked for about an hour. I got to tired so I decided to go to bed. Now...Should I go to jungkooks room or my room?.... I went to my own room after thinking a little about it. I closed the door behind me, not locking it. I took my sweater off and slipped right into the sheets.

I wanted to sleep so bad but suddenly my door opened and closed shortly after. I smiled as I heard Jungkook struggling to take his clothes off.  I didn't even have to look up to see if it actually was him, i could smell him. He walked over to the other side of the bed and laid down next to me. I turned around and cuddled up to him. Both of us were tired, the clock was nearly 5, in the morning.
He grabbed my waist and pulled my closer, making no space between us. I kissed his chest softly before I nuzzled my face into his neck, breathing gently onto it. He softly caressed my ass with his hands and I instantly fell into a deep slumber.
Jimin POV:
*brmmmm* ...... *brmmmm*

I looked over to my nightstand, Jungkooks phone didn't stop ringing. I grabbed the phone and looked at it. It was his father. I was so curious, but I didn't take it. I couldn't do that, Jungkook had told me some wild things about his father. He used to abuse Jungkook, and instead of leaning him to play soccer, he leaned him to shoot with a gun. As the phone began to ring one more time, I woke Jungkook up. 

"Jungkookahh I think this is important..." I said, my voice was still a bit sleepy. Jungkook hummed as he opened his eyes then he snapped the phone out of my hands and widened his eyes, while looking at it. "Fuck." Jungkook said and got out of bed. He went to the attached bathroom. I sat up on the bed with my back leaned against the wall, trying to listen to what he was saying.

After around 10 minutes, Jungkook came into the bedroom. He's face was full of anger and he stomped out to the balcony, without looking at me at all. I looked over to the balcony where Jungkoook stood, sighing. I pushed the sheets to the side, took an white T-shirt on and walked out to him. As I got to him I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind, and nuzzled my head into his back. I could hear Jungkooks deep signs as I tried turning around, but he wouldn't let me. I leaned forward so I could see his face, but he turned right when I was looking. I signed.

"Jungkook please...Why are you turning away from me." I softly said and gently played with his hair, from behind. Finally he turned his whole body around and looked at me while putting his hands on my hips and tugged me closer, leaning into a hug.
I hugged him back and began to hear small sobs from Jungkook, I quickly widened my eyes.
Did Jungkook just..Cry? I pulled him closer.

After only like 2 fucking seconds Jungkook lifted me up, walked into the bedroom and threw both of us on the bed. I giggled and cupped Jungkooks face with my hands. "Now what did i just witness?" I asked and raised my eyebrow, hoping that he would open up a little more. He signed and began kissing my face. I grabbed his face and tried to hold it still so I could look at him, but he didn't stop kissing my face. "Look at me, Jungkook." I looked at him with a serious expression. Jungkook sighed again and turned us over, so I laid on top of him.

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