chapter twenty-one

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“So your bird disappeared in the magic ball, right?”


“And this was the outcome?”

“Seems like it.”

Aisha settled her hand on her friend's forehead, to check how much fever she had because to her eyes, she was just going crazy and the mysterious baby might be just a lost one who got separated from their family. “Flo, you sure you're fine?”

“No! Too much is going on. I-I don't even know what's going on!” Flora sighed in exasperation. “Where did Nabu bring Helia and Lilian?” The nature fairy sat on the bed, shaking her leg up and down in stress, looking sad as she missed her daughter.

“I recommended him to bring them to see the royal doctor, considering he's one of the best. I'm sure Lilian's going to be fine, she's a strong, tough, little girl. I mean, have you seen her mother?” The Queen sat next to her friend to side-hug her and friendly kiss her cheek.

Flora smiled at the compliment. “Thank you.”

“Okay. Where's this baby you're talking about? I'll make sure to bring it to the authorities and find the parents.” The water fairy stood up and tried to look around, but with the long gown she had on, it was kind of hard moving around.

Flora put her strand of blonde hair behind her ear as she noticed something move. “I think she's behind you.”

“Behind where--” From the ceiling, an invisible shape crawled, giggling the entire time. She opened her wings, now showing herself up and started flying around, butt naked. “Wha-- This baby can fly?!”

“Oh, didn't I tell you she does that?” The nature fairy said it so calmly, Aisha unhurriedly turned to her, with a glare of confusion, about how didn't she say such information earlier because now this changes the whole story. “She's so enthusiastic for her age.”

Aisha sighed in desperation then glanced something. “Flora! Look! She has feathers on her back.” The water fairy stated, implying as Flora frowned cluelessly.

“Yeah, I know that.”

“Sis, doesn't she remind you or glimpses like someone?!”

“...Uhm, who is she supposed to remind me of? Listen, suddenly I'm so tired.” Aisha wanted to facepalm herself so bad of how Flora didn't get it so quickly. “Can you help me with her?”

“Flo, listen. She looks like a freaking angel-- oh my, imagine if...” Aisha suggested, to hint her nature friend something and see if they had the same idea of the situation.

Flora shook her head immediately. “Oh good grief, no. Again with this angel story? No, no, no. She's no angel, okay?”

“Oh, then confide me what she is?” Aisha raised her eyebrow.

“The baby bird!” Flora told, hesitantly, while they both watched the strange baby fly around, having fun. “I mean, I guess that's who she is... I don't know!”

“That's it, we need to have the call with the girls now and discuss this situation-- get this baby!” The two fairies, mostly Flora since the Queen's gown was slowing herself down, were in a mission to catch a hysterical flying, short blue-haired baby.

They carried running and jumping around the room, in the hope to catch the baby. Flora didn't pay attention to where she was putting her feet, she fell over one of her bags that was next to her bed and fortunately landed on it. “Ugh!”

“You know, currently preferring Zale eating all the candies and running around instead,” Aisha panted, making Flora snicker a little at her. Abruptly, there was silence as the baby's laughter faded away too. “For the love of Andros, where she gone now?”

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