chapter twenty-seven

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(Flora's Letter Continued)

Valiana was the answer to all our questions. From some sources I found with the Winx, she was supposed to be a devil with a broken heart and a broken past, yet, I cannot bear the pain she gave to me and my friends.

It all started when we went to Alfea, I think it was around the second week of the holiday with my friends in Gardenia. Faragonda herself requested us to meet her but, unfortunately, when we got there, we encountered the Trix. Impulsively, we fought, but it was only a distraction.

We got a warning. To bring the Angel Fairy.


We met this.. cute... little angel.

Arraya Hope

Was it a coincidence?


2 months earlier...

The Winx fairies blinked for a few seconds, incapable of what to say at the moment. Arraya, the angel, was smiling the entire time, waiting for the reactions of the girls. Then they all took a deep breath and talked over each other, repeatedly asking the same questions.


“Woah... ”


“Hold up a minute.”

“That's, um... I don't know.”

“Wait what?”

Arraya was concerned. “Oh sorry, let me specify. I come from the City above the Clouds, I think you call it Heaven, right? Well, my job as the last mythical angel creature is to return to Master Nobi with the six Divinities of the Magic Universe.” She said, flying back down, landing on her feet. “Which I assume is you.”

“We are what? Guys, we should change our group name to the beautiful Six Divinities.” Stella let out, smiling a little.

Your Majesty!” A cry was heard outside the convention's room, bringing in the girls' attention, plus Zale and Arraya.

Suddenly, a power outage went off as for Stella's, Musa's, Tecna's and Bloom's holograms also disappeared, making their hologram-call go offline.

Nabu popped his head in the convention room, although he did quietly, he was able to be heard by the angel and made Arraya hide behind Flora's leg.

“Aisha! I can't see, where are you?” He whispered. Aisha let Zale down from her arms and created a ball of morphix
that enlightened the room. “Oh, thanks. So, we have a problem.”

“What's going on?” Flora questioned.

“What happened?” Aisha also added.

“I don't know either, but a portal, a couple of miles away from here, appeared out of nowhere. I believe that's what caused the power cut.” Nabu tried to explain as a few royal guards came in. “We need to check it out as they violated our laws. Aqua is already with Lady Tae, so she's good. Zale should be with her too.”

A royal guard nodded and took Zale's hand, leaving the room for safety precautions told by the King of Andros.

“A portal? Out of nowhere?” Arraya repeated then teleported somewhere, but no one seemed to have noticed.

The nature fairy shook her head, frowning. “Hold on. What about Helia and Lilian? Where are they?”

“If I'm not wrong, they must be still in your room, as the royal doctor was looking at Lilian's state. You can join them, but someone must follow you. We believe whoever is out there is coming here, fast.” The King of Andros further explained as a royal guard passed him his staff.

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