XVI. Hotel del Grinch

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He pulls me towards the parking lot before I can say another word to Todd.

"What are you doing?" I attempted to shake him off, but his grip was tight. He stopped walking and turned around. My face hit his chest. I motion my nostrils a few times and tilt my head upward. "Why did you- why do you look so creepy?"

"This is my first time."


"Getting in between a couple."

I scoff, "Todd and I aren't together."

"No way."

"Yes, way."

"He's my brother's friend."

"Well, your brother's friend wants to fuck you. Now, get in before we look too weird." He opens the car door.

I grunt slightly before I got inside his car. Jax threw his backpack into the trunk and gave Todd a victory smirk. I don't know why he's so proud. He got the guy friend's sister into his car - big whoop. "Nice car," I said.

He closes the door, "Thanks."


"No." There was slight discomfort in his voice, so I decided not to question any further about the car.

"I'm going to clarify this." Jax drove us out of the parking lot. "There isn't anything between Todd and me."

"Really?" Jax fixed the rearview mirror and grinned. "Because last time I checked. A guy wouldn't look like that if he didn't have a thing for the girl who's driving away with the handsome bad boy."

I cannot believe he manages to compliment himself in between the conversation.

I turn around. I would lie if I said I saw what Todd's face looked like. I really need to go to the optometrist.

"Don't turn around!" Jax screams.

Instantly, I turn my body. "You talked about his face, so I have to check."

"You need to learn how to check subtly." He adjusts the rearview mirror once more, showcasing his expert stalking skill.

I rest my elbow against the car door. "Todd has a girlfriend."


"I don't mess with guys who have a girlfriend. Fact."

"Well, who am I to judge others' preferences." I gave him a side glance but didn't respond. "However-" I knew he was going to say something else. "I suggest not looking at a guy with a girlfriend that way if you're not going to hook up with him."

"What way?"

"The - I really want to be your girlfriend - look."

"I do not look at Todd that way."

"Okay, allow me to ask you some questions."

"Even if I refuse, you're going to ask anyway." It's odd. I have known Jax for less than a month, but somehow we're talking as if we've known each other since childhood.

"Does his girlfriend glare at you?"


"Does his girlfriend somehow express hostility to you?"



"I dont know."

"It's simple." I feel like he's talking to himself, refusing to listen to anything coming out of my mouth. "She feels threatened by you."

Jessica Thompson as That GirlWhere stories live. Discover now