XXXV. The Percentages

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She freaking played me.

Victoria Burke, I don't know if I should applaud her for her acting skill or pull her hair for using me.

Brody glared at me so intensely that I wouldn't be surprised if he leaped across the table and strangled me.

Mom settled down the last plate of food. "I'm sorry, Victoria. I hope I didn't cook too little."

Victoria smiles, "This smell absolutely divine Mrs.Thompson. Thank you."

Mom, dad, and Victoria start eating while Brody and I continue our stare down. I'm grateful I can't read thoughts because whatever Brody thinks may be the most unpleasant thing in the world.

"How come I haven't seen your mom at the book clubs meeting?" One way mom minimizes stress is by going to a book club with the other moms once a week. In reality, they're only there to smack talk about their ungrateful family and drink alcohol. No one is against it as long as it makes mom less angry around the house.

Dad's way of minimizing stress is going golfing in the summer and hunting in the winter. Once in a while, he would go ice fishing.

I wonder what I'm going to pick up in the future once adult life drives me towards insanity.

Maybe, knitting?

Perhaps, classic gardening?

Victoria fork halted mid-air, "Mom went on vacation." She's lying.

Then again, what do I know? The girl conned me into a meal with my family to hook up with my brother again.

"What's wrong with you two?" Dad question. "Why are you staring at each other like that?"

"Nothing," Brody and I replied at the same time.

Victoria exhaled, "I'm sorry. It must be unpleasant for me to be here."

"Nonsense. You're Brody's girlfriend."

Brody exhales. It must be time for the truth. "Mom-"

"Mrs.Thompson," Victoria intervened. "Brody and I broke up." I want to applaud her, she's good. Labeled herself as the victim instead of the annoying ex-girlfriend that's stalking her ex-boyfriend.

Someone dropped a utensil. "I'm sorry," dad said. He went down the table to pick up the fork.

"I'll go get you a new one," mom said.

"No," dad quickly said. "I'll get it myself. You had a long day." I wonder if I should drop a utensil and use it as an excuse to escape the danger zone.

"Nonsense," mom replied. "I'm already up, so I might as well go get it."

"Mother," I said. "Father." I look at both of them. "Allow this daughter to get the new utensils. You two are the respectful elders. Please, do not overbear yourselves." Who knew that one day, mom's chants about historical literature would come in handy.

Both mom and dad are fighting over the new utensil to get out of the awkward topic of break-ups-everyone in the room has experienced at least one of Brody's crazy ex-girlfriend before.

Jessica Thompson as That GirlWhere stories live. Discover now