What am I doing?

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I like this song because of the lyrics. Also this english cover is good. Anyways, I hope you're doing good cause I am oooooohhhhh. Anyways, I'm going to have to make this short because, well you'll see. Ok time to start this boiii
Y/N's p.o.v.

I was suddenly on my ass in some murky water. Where was I? I looked around. The surrounding area was pure white. There were some tall pine tree's. There was wind blowing and the tree's were crowding in towards me. Not even a crow screeched. I felt terrified, I decided to get up. My clothes were drenched and my mind was all over the place. I walked through the water to see how deep it was. It went up to my chin well, that's when I stopped going out. The water went out for a little ways. I noticed the pretty white lotus's that floated around my head. The quietness was nice. Too nice, something just felt... off. I can't place my finger on it but... this just didn't seem right.

When I was about to get out and go towards the shore. I felt something snag onto my shorts.  "What in the-" I was cut off by someone dragging me into the water. "S-T- OP" I screamed through me being dragged under water. I kept flailing my legs and arms all over. Chocking on the water that entered my lungs. I kept screaming for help not knowing who had me. I was finally dragged all the way down. The water was chold and dark. I couldn't make out a single shape. Though I could see something, the light emitting off of it gave me a clearer image.

It was a badly decaying body and looked impaled. I almost threw up. The body looked so horrible. I could feel myself scream but only for it to be muffled by the water. Fuck. I kept kicking and flailing my limbs all around not wanting to give up just yet. Even though we were under the water I could hear the bodies voice. "HËłp Mė" the voice was so loud and sounded in pain. I immediately felt bad for it. I wanted to help them but how? "Ğįvę më ýøűř §őůł" the voice sounded extremely distorted and demonic. I wanted it to stop. I covered my ears distinctively trying to stop this painful situation.

I felt a cold chill creep down my spine. I shivered grimacing at how uncomfortable it was. I let out a gasp and choked on some water. Finally I could feel the body losen it's grip on me. I kicked and finally got free. Swimming to the top I finally got air. Coughing hard and shivering I got up to look towards the forest. I thought I saw a shadow of a large meaty creature on two legs. I immediately felt sick and violated. Then, I was suddenly on the couch staring at the ceiling.I could hear someone whispering then I saw a guy come into view. "Why hello there doll."

Hiiii I made this cuz I wanted another dream sequence lmao. Anyways, I have to get me some sleep! Good night!
Word count: 532

A Hopeless Dream (Creepypasta x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant