Wait For Me

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For a week straight, Vince tortured Marcus. From new gashes being made to old ones being opened up. From being tasered to being lashed. Marcus never said anything to Vince.

"Marcus, you have got to give him some information! He is gonna kill you if this keeps up!" Cherish yelled. Marcus shook his head.

"I cant. I cant betray my mate like that." He said. His cell door opened and Lucas came in.

"You're being moved to a different cell area. Special cases for Vince. Good news though. You wont be chained to a wall and be able to roam. You will still have cuffs." He said, lowering the chains off the wall, causing Marcus to fall limp.

Lucas dragged the chains to a isolated area. Five large cells away from everyone. Lucas kept the cuffs on Marcus and threw him into the cell. Marcus fell to the ground and turned back. The cell was still transparent but he was the only one in the area. Marcus looked around the cell. It was almost like a small bedroom. A bed and personal bathroom.

"Vince said you are a special case and decided that you needed to be treated better than some of the others. Make yourself comfortable because this is were you will be for a long time." Lucas said before closing the cell door. Marcus looked at the bed and made his way to it. He laid down on the bed, wanting to rest. He hadn't gotten any sleep since the torture began. His vision was going in and out from exhaustion. He finally let sleep take over.

Marcus didn't know where he was. He was sitting in darkness with a body of water before him. He saw his reflection and saw the three gashes on his face becoming scars. He rose his shirt to see all the gashes and taser marks across his body. He pulled his shirt down and got up. Marcus knew he looked like hell.  He started to walk around until he got to another person. He got a closer look and saw that it was Ronan.

'Was I thinking about him before I fell asleep?' He asked himself. He saw Ronan turn around and his blood ran cold. Marcus got a closer look at Ronan and saw a gash across his face. Marcus became enraged. He started to breathe heavy, trying to calm himself down but it wasn't working.

"Who did this to you.." He demanded.

"I told you to stop this!" Ronan yelled. Marcus grabbed Ronan by the shoulder and his eyes turned a golden yellow.

"Who. The. Fuck. Did. This. To. You?!" He said as anger filled his voice. Ronan turned away from him, trying to hide his face.

"He's dead so it doesn't matter anyway." Marcus felt bad for getting angry. He pulled Ronan's face back to him slowly, getting a good look at him. Marcus noticed that Ronan was observing his wounds as well. Marcus tried to hide them but it was no use.

"What happened to you Marcus.." Ronan asked.

"Doesn't matter about me. I'm just glad you're safe." Marcus said petting Ronan's cheek. He gave the boy a sad look. Ronan relaxed his head into Marcus's hand. The sparks ignited and felt joyous to him.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a werewolf?" Ronan bitterly said. Marcus heard the hurt in Ronan's voice. He felt ashamed and closed his eyes.

"How do you know?" He asked. Ronan shook his head.

"That isn't the question. Why didn't you tell me?"  Ronan snapped back. It was now to tell him the truth. It was the only way.

"I couldn't. A lot was going on. I wanted to, I honestly did. I never had the time or the words." Ronan stared at Marcus. He pulled Marcus in holding him tightly. His body felt like a generator going off.

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