I'm back - Dorbyn

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they all aren't famous but Corbyn is

Corbyn and Daniel have been dating for about 2.5 years.
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Daniels POV

"I miss him jack!" I said crying in my backyard.

you see, Corbyn is a huge celebrity so he had to go to LA and then on tour. I haven't seen him in a whole year because of this.

I support him in everything he does but I just wish he would come to see me or something.

we use to face time everyday but now he's to busy to even do that.

I miss him so much.

"I'm sure you can see him soon." Jack said trying to calm me down.

"how can you be so sure! what if he never comes back.. what if he thinks his work is more important then me!" I said only sobbing louder.

I didn't realize that Corbyn was actually behind me.

"he never sees me anyway so what would change his mind now." I said finally. 

"my work will never be more important then you"

I quickly turned around to see Corbyn standing there with flowers and apple juice. 

"Corbyn!" I said crying

I got up and ran to him immediately.

he opened his arms so I can hug him. I hugged him and he obviously hugged me back.

"my work will never, ever be more important then you." he said still hugging me.

he pulled away from the hug and cupped my cheeks. "I'm not leaving you anymore."

"okay." I said looking into his beautiful eyes.

"I love you Dani"

"I love you corbs. more then anything."

he kissed me and I kissed back immediately.

the kiss was soft and gentle but still meaningful.

"ahem." Jack said looking at us. we pulled away and I said "did you know about this?"



everyone started laughing and giggling.

now I can have him. finally.
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short cute little story for you guys

short cute little story for you guys

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