Chapter 1

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Amy's POV

I walk into our bedroom utterly exhausted from my day at the precinct and collapse on top of our bed fully clothed. Jake walks in after me and laughs.

"Tough day at work babe?" he asks me. I look up at him and explain. "You have no idea. I had to chase this perp for like 3 city blocks and tackle him to the ground, and that was just the start of my day."

Jake walks up to our bed and lays down beside me, wrapping his arms around my torso and pulling me closer to him. "Well, it's a good thing my wife is an amazing cop then isn't it?" He says before kissing my forehead. I smile and feel myself blushing as I bury my head into his neck, relaxing in the comfort of his arms after a long day. It's not long before I find myself falling asleep in Jake's arms as he plays with my hair.

The next morning when my alarm clock goes off I wake up in Jake's embrace and kiss him softly to wake up. When a smile tugs at his lips and his eyes slowly open, I know I've done my job and get up to change out of yesterday's clothes and get ready for the day. Sometimes it takes me forever to wake him up and I practically have to carry him out of bed. The whole time I'm running around the room getting ready, Jake just sits there, watching me from our bed, a soft smile positioned on his face.

"What is it Jake?" I ask him with a small grin. He jumps out of bed and snakes his arms around me before kissing me softly. "You're very cute when you race around our room in the morning." I blush and hit his chest lightly before kissing him. "I love you Jake." "I love you too Ames."

An hour later we're out of the apartment and Jake is driving us to the precinct. When we get there, I say hi to Charles, Rosa and the rest of the squad before I make my way downstairs to brief my uniformed officers.

Around 12pm, Rosa comes down and asks if I want to get a coffee, and of course I say yes, wanting to get out of the precinct. In the car I ask Rosa how her day was going and I get her usual stoic response of "Its fine."

We're in line at the coffee shop when a report comes over my radio. "Santiago, this is Captain Holt. We have calls of a lost child on Bullock Street and needs help finding their parents." Rosa looks at me. "Looks like coffee will have to wait. Let's go."

When we get there, I see what we're looking for. There right in front of Rosa and I is a little girl, who can't be older that 6 years old looking very scared. When I attempt to approach her slowly, she backs away from me and hides behind a trash can on the street. Seeing her like that breaks my heart. "Hi there sweetie, don't worry we're police officers, we're here to help! My name is Amy, what's your name?" I ask her, hoping she'll answer back. I watch as she comes out from behind the trash can and walks towards me. "I'm Jesse. Do you know where my mommy is?" I look at Rosa and breathe out a sigh of relief. "Hi Jesse, that's a beautiful name. We're here to help you find your mommy. Do you know her phone number?" Jesse stares at the ground and plays with her fingers. "No, but I know where she works." I ask Jesse where that is and when she tells me I get Rosa to make some calls and get her mother down here. While we waited for Jesse's mother to get there, I had fun playing with Jesse, letting her do my hair and pretend to paint my nails.

When Jesse's mother arrived, she thanked us with tears in her eyes and ran to hug her daughter. It turns out Jesse had been separated from her mother when they were going for a walk and when her mom couldn't find her, she ran back to her work to see if she was there before calling the police. I'm just glad we were able to get their family back together.

On the car ride back to the precinct I must have been super quiet because Rosa asked me what was wrong. "Nothing's wrong Rosa, I'm fine!" I said trying very hard to mask my real feelings. She looked at me with a frown on her face. "That's obviously a lie. You're thinking about that girl Jesse, aren't you? I know you had fun playing with her." As we pull into the precinct I shut the car off and face Rosa. "Fine, yes you're right. I am. It's just, playing with her made me want to, you know." Rosa raised her eyebrows. "Want to what, have a kid of your own?" I smile at my friend, not surprised that she knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Yea, I think I'm ready to have kids. But what if Jake isn't? what if he doesn't want to, and decides to leave me? I love him so much I don't want to-" Rosa cuts me off. "Amy, stop spiralling. To be honest, I think it's good that you know you're ready for kids. Secondly, Jake isn't going to leave you. You know he loves you a lot, I can tell and its actually kind of gross. If you want to know what he thinks, then go talk to him." I wipe my tears and smile at Rosa. "Thanks Rosa, you're right. When I get home, I'm going to talk to Jake about it." "Good" Rosa said slightly less stoic then before.

So, when my shift ends and I'm in the car driving back home with Jake, I only have one thing on my mind. After we enter the apartment and share a quick kiss, I take Jake's hand and sit him down on the couch. "What's up Ames?"

"Jake, we need to talk."

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