Chapter 15

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Amy's POV

It was 9 am and I was dozing off in my chair beside Jake's bed when a nurse came into the room to run checks on him, pulling me from sleep's grasp.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I have to run some checks on your husband." She told me apologetically, to which I just shook my head.

"No, no problem! Please!" I said as I sat up and held Jake's hand.

When the nurse left 10 minutes later, Rosa and Charles walked in, holding coffees.

"Amy, you've been here since 2 in the morning, go home and get some rest. You look awful." Charles told me.

"No. I want to stay with Jake. I'm staying. I don't care how long I have to wait." I said, placing a kiss on his head as I watched his chest rise and fall.

Rosa walked up to me and handed me a coffee. She pulled up a chair beside me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Amy. I think it's great that you're here and you're being supportive. I know you're worried about Jake. We all are. But you're tired and you look like a mess. Go home and get some sleep. Charles will stay here with Jake, he has the day off. If you want, I'll come with you, for the company." She said to me, with a nod in agreement from Charles.

She was right. I was a mess. My eyes were puffy and tear stained, and I was still wearing Jake's hoodie with my badge around my neck from when I had left the apartment so many hours ago. But I wasn't about to admit that to her.

I opened my mouth to argue, but Rosa just gave me a piercing look. "Amy. I'm asking this as a friend who wants you to be okay. Don't forget you're carrying another person here."

I put my hand on little beanies bump deep in thought, before sighing and standing up.

"Alright Rosa, I'll go home and get some rest. But I'm coming straight back here after." I said, glaring at her.

She nodded and we said goodbye to Charles before we walked out the door.

I sat in silence as Rosa drove me back home with so many things swirling through my head. I was staring out the window and watching everything pass by, just like the whirlwind of events I had recently been through. I bit my lip and tried to supress my sadness from being shown on my face. When we arrived at my apartment, Rosa had to shake my shoulder to get my attention.


"Hmm?" I responded, still staring outside. "We're here." She said with a puzzled look on her face.

"Oh! Ok let's go." I said exiting the car and racing inside.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked Rosa, pouring myself some tea hoping it would maybe relax me.

"I'm good. Have your tea and then head to bed." She urged me. We sat there, neither of us saying a word while I finished my tea. After I had finished, we both went upstairs to my room, where Rosa waited outside while I changed into something comfy for bed.

When I got into bed, I could feel those dreaded tears start to form in my eyes yet again. Rosa, who was sitting at the foot of my bed, noticed and moved closer.

"Amy, what's wrong?"

I sat up and brushed away my tears. "It's just, this... this is my first time sleeping without Jake since he was in prison. I hate it! I'm so scared for him Rosa." I managed to tell her before bursting into tears and Rosa hugging me.

"Damn, Amy. I'm sorry. This has been hard on all of us but I can't imagine what it's been like for you. Look, at the end of the day, all we can do is be there for each other. I know you're scared for Jake, but he's only been in that coma for about a day. I know that isn't probably comforting, but you should know that Terry, me, Charles and everyone else has your back. We won't stop fighting for Jake." She said while patting my back.

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