Chapter 18

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Amy's POV

Jake and I are comfortably sleeping in his bed when the alarm I set on my phone goes off, momentarily scaring the both of us. I sit up fast, shaking the bed and disturbing Jake's sleep even more.

"Jeez Ames, I just can't escape your alarms, even in the hospital." Jake groans, lazily planting a good morning kiss on my cheek. Giggling, I jump out of his bed and straighten myself up. "Sorry babe." I said apologetically.

Today is the day Jake is discharged from the hospital and I was ecstatic. Finally, we got to go home after spending like 2 weeks here. I raced over to where my bag was and began stuffing clothes in, for once ignoring my rules about neatly folded clothing. Jake must have noticed because he called me out right away.

"Wow Amy. What happened to your rules about packing? I've never seen your bag so messy." He said yawning.

I smiled at how cute my tired husband was. I walked over to him and softly kissed him before sitting on the edge of his bed and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I know, but I just really want to get out of here. I can't wait to go home Jake. It hasn't been the same without you." I admitted, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Aw Ames, I can't wait to go home either." He says stroking my head.

We sat there for a couple of minutes before being interrupted by Jake's nurse walking in holding his discharge papers. I leapt off of Jake as soon as she walked in, eager to get them signed so we could get out of here.

"Oh I'm sorry! I just came to bring in Jake's release papers." She apologised.

"Nothing to be sorry for, we're just excited he gets to go home." I told her smiling.

She smiled back and handed me the papers to sign while she helped Jake out of his bed and into a wheelchair, per hospital standard. When I gave her the completed papers back, she gave us a few reminders before letting us go.

"Ok Jake, you've been cleared to leave, but remember, no physical activity for the next 2 weeks. That means desk duty, since you're a cop. Also, make sure to change your bandaging every 2 days, I've given your wife the extras. You're healing nicely, so make sure to contact your doctor if you notice any changes. Other than that, congratulations and get out of here!" she told Jake.

"Thank you so much." Jake and I said together, receiving a nod of welcome from her before I pushed Jake out of his room.

When we got to the exit, Rosa and Charles were waiting for us. I had arranged earlier for them to take us home.

"JAKE! How are you feeling!?" Charles asked him, helping him stand up from the wheelchair.

"I'm feeling a lot better Charles, thanks. I can actually walk now." He said back, grinning.

Rosa stepped forward and hugged Jake, shocking all of us. When she released him, she punched him in the arm, like always.

"What? I'm just happy you're okay dude. Now c'mon let's get you home." She said getting in the car.

During the drive back to our apartment, Rosa and Charles were in discussion about their case, giving me some time to talk to Jake.

"You tired babe?" I asked him. He was leaning on my shoulder and I had my arm around him, pulling him close to me.

"Just a little." he said while his eyes flickered shut. I chuckled to myself as I let him sleep and placed my head on his, enjoying the moment.

"So Amy, I know you don't really want to talk about it, but I have some info on Turner." Rosa said, noticing Jake was asleep. She must've wanted to talk to me alone about it which is why she waited until Jake was sleeping.

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