Chapter 2

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Jake's POV

"Jake, we need to talk."

At those words I tried to think back and remember what I did wrong. Amy seemed really serious and I hope it wasn't something I did. "Sure Ames, but I didn't do it I promise." Amy chuckles as she holds both my hands in hers. "No babe, don't worry, it's about something else."

I watch as Amy takes a deep breath in and stares at my hands before continuing. "Jake, I want, no Jake, I'm ready to have kids." She says with an air of confidence. I feel a smile grow on my face but Amy doesn't see it because she's still looking at our hands and playing with our wedding rings. "I know we just had a talk about this on our anniversary and I know you might not want to yet but I love you so much and I want to start a family together and –" I cut Amy off before she can spiral anymore and pick her head up softly so she can see my eyes. I feel my smile grow even bigger as I begin to speak. "Ames, I think I'm ready too." Amy's face lights up. "Really?"

"Really. I've been ready for a while Amy. I've just been waiting for you to bring it up. I love you so much Ames, more than you know, and I can't wait to start a family with you."

Amy practically jumps onto me and kisses me with such a passion that I fall backwards on the couch as she lays on top of me. When we break apart, she stares at me with her beautiful brown eyes. "I love you so much Jake." "I love you more Ames." She rolls off of me and hugs me from behind. "Nuh uh Jake, not possible." I laugh. Honestly, she's the most perfect person for me. We lay there for a while, just enjoying each other and the moment. "Hey Jake?" "Hmm?" "When do you want to start trying?" I turn around in her embrace and adjust her so that she's on my chest and I look down at her. "Whenever you want Ames. I'm ready when you are." She kisses my chest as she lays back down and sighs happily. "I want to start soon."

"Sounds good to me Ames." I say before getting up. "C'mon Amy, we've both had a pretty long day, let's go to bed.

Amy's POV

"Okay babe." I agree with Jake and get up to follow him into our bedroom. 10 minutes later after changing into our pajamas and getting ready for bed, I curl up next to Jake under the covers. When I get into bed he wraps his arm around my body and pulls me close to him.

"How did I get so lucky to get you Ames? I love you so much, binders and all." I laugh as he kisses my head and I snuggle in to him, my head finding its spot in the crook of his neck.

"I don't know about you Jake, but I know that I'm super lucky to have you as my husband." I say before kissing him softly. He really was the best ever. A wave of sleepiness hits me and I find myself falling asleep thinking about how lucky I am to have Jake in my life as I lay in his arms.

It's been 3 weeks since Jake and I decided to start trying and we've been so busy since then. Both of our jobs demand a lot from us and don't get me wrong, I love my job and so does Jake, but when we get home we don't feel like doing anything besides eating and going to bed. What's even worse is the few times we have tried have been unsuccessful and I'm starting to lose hope.

I walk into the kitchen where Jake is and hold up the pregnancy tests. "Nope, not this time either." I watch his face fall as I collapse in defeat on the nearest chair, not able to hold back the tears falling down my cheeks. "Why can't I have a baby Jake? I want to start a family."

Jake walks over to me and wipes my tears with his shirt. Then he kneels in front of me and gives one of his soft genuine smiles that I fell in love with.

"Amy, sometimes things are out of our control. Always remember that we are a family. You and me. I love you so much Ames, and it kills me to see you like this. I'm not giving up and neither should you ok? We can do this. We can keep trying." He says as he rubs my shoulders up and down before pulling me in for a hug.

I breathe in his scent and enjoy the warmth of his loving embrace. "I love you Jake." I say, meaning every word.

He stands up and brings me with him. "Where are we going?" I ask him confused. He looks at me and grins wide. "I'm taking you binder shopping. You could use a break." When I can't keep my squeal of delight quiet and to myself, Jake laughs and kisses my cheek. "That's my girl."

Jake was right. I shouldn't give up and I shouldn't blame myself. We're going to keep trying and I know we're going to have a child together. As long as I was with Jake, I could get through anything.

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