Chapter 14

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Rosa's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and I could barely see straight. My vision was blurry, and all around me was dust and smoke. I could barely breathe. Despite the pain, I stood up and looked around. Besides my obvious headache, I didn't really have any other injuries aside from some cuts. I could make out outlines of bodies everywhere. I wasn't sure who was dead and who wasn't. They were laying in the destruction and what was left of the warehouse. Then I saw Jake. He was laying down face first and to my horror he had a piece of metal sticking out of his back. I rushed over to him and tried to wake him up. I could feel a few tears stinging my face, surprising myself. I never cry.

"JAKE! WAKE UP PERALTA!" I said as loud as I could, but I got no response from him. I checked his pulse. Thankfully, he was still breathing somehow. The moment I touched him, it all came flooding back, how this had all happened.

While I was giving Turner his last chance to surrender, one of the other detectives had an angle on him and decided to take it, but he missed. Although he failed to hit the target, it was a way we had planned on taking him down.

Turner started to run away immediately and before we could react, he pressed his trigger. The only thing I remember after that is Jake throwing himself into me in an attempt to cover me. After that, I must have been knocked out.

I sat by Jake until I heard the sirens and the bright lights of the police, fire, and the paramedics vehicles as the brightness made me grimace in pain and cover my eyes. But I had to stay with Jake, I had to make sure he was alright. In a matter of minutes, there were people all over us. Before I knew it, Jake was ripped from my grasp and carried out on a stretcher as I tried to follow my friend.

"Detective! You need to relax! Your friend will be taken care of, but right now you need medical attention."

A paramedic says to me, before I reluctantly allow him to take me to the ambulance. I'm forced to lay down on a stretcher as I get checked out.

I looked around to see the bodies of our task force being carried out, half of them with sheets over their heads. So much pain, so many deaths. I swore to myself right then and there that Turner would pay. I would rain hell on him once I found him again.

The ride to the hospital was one of the longest in my life, because my mind was focused solely on Jake and the rest of the taskforce. At the hospital, I was rushed to a room where a doctor stood waiting for me. She ran her tests on me before diagnosing me with a concussion and a few bruised ribs. I laughed at the irony, I got off lucky compared to everyone else. Before she could leave the room, I asked her about Jake.

"What about my friend. Jake Peralta. He had a piece of metal in his back." I said glaring at her.

"From the injury you've described, he is most likely in surgery at this very moment. When the time is right a doctor will let you and his family know about his progress." She tells me before rushing out to attend to another patient.

Feeling very unsure about the information I just received, I took a deep breath and walked out into the waiting room. There, I found Captain Holt, Charles and even Gina waiting, all looking concerned and scared, Charles the most out of all of them. As soon as I walked out I was embraced by all three of them, and I hug back just as tight.

"Rosa! Thank god you're okay! We were so worried about you!" Charles says, releasing me from a hug that I actually enjoyed.

I gave a rare, weak smile as I answered back. "Thanks guys. I'm okay."

"Where is Peralta?" Captain Holt asked, and I couldn't find the words to answer him.

"Rosa?" Charles asked me again nervously.

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