Chapter 3

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Jake's POV

2 weeks have passed since we had our last talk about kids. I'm lying awake in bed waiting for Amy's alarm clock to go off, but maybe hoping it doesn't because I get to stare at my beautiful wife and her sleeping face. Just as I'm about to move to kiss her, the alarm clock goes off and wakes Amy up. I watch as she opens her eyes and sits up, her hair messy with her tired red eyes but still as beautiful as ever to me. I peck her on the lips and wiggle my arms around her to pull her down to me.

"Good morning beautiful." I say as she turns around in my embrace and kisses me back. "Good morning Jake." She smiles at me and runs her hand through my curls.

Suddenly, I watch the colour drain out of Amy's face as she jumps out of bed and runs to the washroom. I follow after her and hold her hair back as she throws up last night's dinner into the toilet.

"Uh oh Ames, I think someone might be sick." I kiss her head as she wipes her mouth, flushes the toilet and washes her hands. "I'm okay, it's probably food poisoning."

"I don't know Ames, let's get you back to bed. It's a good thing it's the weekend, because I know you'd hate to miss work." I watch as Amy attempts to argue with me, but I know and can't let her win. If she's sick, I won't let her do this to herself. "Jake, I'm okay seriously."

"Okay Ames, but you're still going to stay in bed today." I laugh as she gives me her pouty face before going back to bed.

Amy's POV

I give up trying to argue with Jake, because I know he's doing it out of love. About 20 minutes later, Jake brings me hot soup and puts on a romantic comedy for me to watch before sitting in bed beside me and letting me cuddle up to him. After a little bit Jake gets a call from Holt telling him he's needed at the precinct, which we were kind of expecting since Jake told Holt the day before he could work if needed. Before he leaves for work he double checks that I'm okay and kisses me before calling Rosa to come over and stay with me.

"Jake you don't need to do that, I'll be okay."

"No way babe, I don't want anything to happen to you. Besides, its Rosa. You guys will have fun. Anyways I have to go. I love you Ames."

"I love you too Jake." I call to him as he exits through our front door.

15 minutes later Rosa arrives and we sit down to talk on the couch. Rosa and I are half way through our conversation about the precinct's new vending machine when I feel a ripple of nausea through my whole body, similar to the one this morning with Jake. I barely make it to the washroom in time as Rosa follows me and pulls the hair out of my face as I empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet. After wiping my mouth and cleaning up, I sit on the toilet staring at the ground in silence. Rosa kneels in front of me.

"Dude, that was rough. Are you okay?" she asks me, her eyes scanning up and down my body.

I clench my fists together, still a bit nauseous as I answer. "Yeah, it happened this morning too, I think I have food poisoning."

Rosa looks at me with an amused look on her face. "Are you sure about that Amy? It isn't something else?"

I look at my friend confused about what she's trying to say. "Well, I mean it could be a bug or the flu maybe."

Rosa grabs my hands which is very unusual for her and looks at me, a smile on her face although from what I can tell she's trying to fight it. "Amy, what if you're pregnant?"

Immediately I try to stand up before sitting back down still a little dizzy, while a million thoughts race through my head.

"Oh my god! Rosa what if you're right!? What if I am pregnant!? I never thought about it like that. I need to find out and if I am I have to tell Jake right away we've been trying for so long!"

Rosa leads me to the end of my bed and tells me to sit down. She sits down beside me and helps me to calm down by awkwardly patting me on the back Rosa-style.

"I think before you continue whatever this freak out is, we should find out if you're actually pregnant. C'mon, let's go get you a pregnancy test."

i think my writings getting a bit better :)

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