Chapter 13

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Jake's POV

I quickly threw on a pair of pants and one of my plaid shirts before running out of our bedroom, with Amy calling after me. There were so many things going on in my head at the same time that It took me a minute to realize I had put my phone in my holster and left my gun on the table. As I put each item in the right place, I was spiralling and needed to calm myself down. Dammit, Turner is now a murderer. Why did he have to do this? Stupid criminal! We should have arrested him sooner, because then a man would still be alive. I cursed myself out loud before Amy came into the kitchen with a very concerned look in her face.

"Jake! Do you have to go now? It's like 1 am!" she said, standing across from me.

As much as I didn't want to, I had to go. The longer Turner ran free the higher the chance someone else would get hurt or worse. I couldn't let that happen.

I Looked up at my wife and sat her down slowly. "Amy. I have to go. It's my fault that he's still free anyway."

"Jake, you know that's not true. This isn't your fault." Ames tells me, holding my hands in hers and rubbing her thumbs over my palms. I sigh and shake my head in disappointment.

"It will be if I let him go now. I have to do this Ames. I have to go now and meet Rosa and the takedown team." I tell her kissing her cheek and heading towards the door.

Amy grabs my hand and turns me back around.

"Jake! Wait. Stay safe. Come back to us. I love you." She tells me slowly, placing a hand on her stomach before kissing me deeply. I can tell she's beginning to cry as we break apart.

I wipe her tears away before softly kissing her again trying to comfort her. "I will Ames. I love you both." I tell her, before finally rushing out the door, leaving Amy standing in the doorway and watching.

Amy's POV

I watched as Jake ran out of our home before collapsing in tears on the couch. I was so worried for him and Rosa and I didn't know what to do. I was a mess. It took me a while, but when I was finally able to calm myself down, I grabbed my phone and attempted to call Rosa.

When she picked up, I could feel my voice quavering.

"Hello? Rosa?"

"What's up Amy? I'm on my way to meet Jake. Shouldn't you be asleep?" she asked.

"I'm not going to sleep when my husband is out in the middle of the night chasing a murderer!" I say, almost losing it on her.

"Whoa dude, chill. We'll be fine. There's like 15 of us and we know what we're doing. Just stay at home where you are. I don't think Jake would want you to worry or stress."

"It's too late for that Rosa! I can't stay home I'm spiralling! What do I do!?" I ask my friend desperately.

"Amy, calm down. Go to the precinct. Everyone is there for support on our takedown. Look, I gotta go. Just stay safe or Jake will lose it."

"I will, you stay safe too Rosa." I tell her before hanging up.

Rushing up to the bedroom, I manage to put on a pair of sweatpants and one of Jake's old hoodies before grabbing my badge and holster and running out the door. During the entirety of the drive there I can't help but feel very nervous and worried for Jake and Rosa. I don't know what I would do if they got hurt. I tried not to think about it as best as I could.

When I arrived at the 99, everyone was surprised to see me there.

"AMY!? What are you doing here!?" Charles asks, looking me up and down, scanning my entire body.

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