Chapter 25

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Amy's POV

"Alright Amy, keep going, you're almost there."

"That's it, keep going, one last push!"

The doctor told me as I screamed, mustering all the energy I had left in my body into that last final push. When I collapsed back onto the bed, I heard crying far different from mine and I was so thankful our little angel was okay.

"Wow, you did awesome babe." Jake says to me, squeezing my hand and kissing my forehead.

"The time is 3:30am, August 1st, doctor."

The doctor raises her up briefly so Jake and I can see her before momentarily taking her away to conduct some simple checks and wrap her in a warm blanket.

I'm already slightly crying before they place her in my arms but when I finally get to hold her, I can't stop the tears running down my cheeks.

"Hi angel." I whisper shaking, while Jake gently rubs his finger along her tiny cheek.

"That's our angel Ames. She's beautiful." Jake says softly, and I can tell he's tearing up as well.

He was right, she was so beautiful. She was the perfect mix of both Jake and I, most notably having my skin tone and Jake's brown eyes. I held her tightly in my arms, unable to keep my eyes off of her. Jake just hovered above me, one arm around my shoulder and the other pulling the blanket back to get a good luck at our gorgeous daughter.

"Congratulations, your daughter is in perfect health, weighs 7 pounds 6 ounces and is 19 inches long. When she needs to be fed we will assist you and help you with the process." The doctor said to us, smiling and we thanked him.

"For now, we are going to transition you back to your room where you can have visitors when you're ready."

Back in our room when it's just Jake and I with our little angel, Jake holds her for the first time and gives me the biggest smile I've ever seen as he looks at her, slowly swaying her back and forth. I beam at him, unable to contain my emotions as another few tears escape my eyes, because of the adorable sight in front of me. I remember how many times I imagined him holding our daughter and now I was witnessing the real thing. He leans over to kiss my cheek before leaning down to softly kiss her head and passes her back over to me.

"I can't believe it Ames. Our baby's here!" he said excitedly, while tickling our daughter's feet.

"Me neither Jake, I'm so happy." I said back. He grinned and the kissed me, resting our foreheads together and letting it linger as I held our daughter in between us.

"I love you so much Jake."

"I love you so much too Ames."

15 minutes later she begins to cry and I know that I need to feed her, so the nurse helps me until I feel comfortable enough. When she's fed she calms down and just stares at the two of us and around the room as we talk. Jake and I decide we're ready for visitors so he lets the nurse know.

The first ones in are our parents, who practically trample over themselves trying to be the first ones in through the door. Jake gives her to his mom first, who cries just like he did at the sight of her first grandchild.

"She's beautiful Jake. What's her name?" Karen asked us.

"We'll tell her name when everyone is here mom." Jake said and she nodded, getting one last glance at her before passing her on to my mom.

"Oh Amy, she looks just like you!" she said as my dad smiled too and wrapped his arm around her, peering down at his newest grandchild.

After our dads each had a turn holding her, she is returned back to me and we chat for a little bit before they leave as the squad walks in.

Charles rushes over to me, smiling widely. "SHE IS SO CUTE!!" he says as Jake shushes him, laughing a bit. I pass our angel to Jake and he gives her to Charles, who's eyes look like they might launch out from his head. The next person to hold her is Rosa, and all of us get to see her big smile as she gazes down her, and Jake jokes about her smiling before receiving a death glare from her. Then she's passed to Terry, then Gina, and finally Captain Holt, who has a strange expression at first that eventually grows into a smile.

"Never seen a human baby before Captain? This is the cutest one you'll ever see" Jake jokes as the squad chuckles and I bury my face into his arm. We receive multiple compliments after that, the whole squad telling us how much she looks like Jake or I.

"She is adorable. Congratulations Peralta. Santiago." He said nodding at me. "Thank you, Captain." I said blushing. His approval always was special to me.

"Sooo, is there a name?" Terry asked nervously smiling.

Jake beamed back at him and walked back over to me and our angel, sitting down on the edge of my bed and wrapping his arm around me. I leaned into his shoulder and smiled up at him, placing a kiss on his cheek and bringing our daughter close to him.

"There is Terry! Just wait until our parents come in." He told the squad as he whipped his phone out and texted his mom.

Once our parents had raced into the room again and everyone formed a half-circle around my bed, Charles broke the eager and strained silence.

"Well...!?" He said almost jumping up and down.

I smile at Jake and nod.

"Everyone, meet Mackenzie Lila Santiago-Peralta. Mack or Kenzie for short!" He says proudly. In a matter of seconds, the room is brimming with cheers and claps of happiness and excitement.

"What an adorable name for an even more adorable baby girl!!" Jake's mom exclaims, and the room vigorously agrees with fast nods and several comments at once.

Over the next 30 minutes we are congratulated once again as our family and friends slowly shuffle out of the room, allowing Jake and I to have some quality time alone with the newest member of our family.

Jake and I spend the next 15 minutes sitting on my bed holding Mackenzie, staring at her and admiring her.

"She's just as beautiful as you babe." Jake tells me, rubbing my back and stroking Mackenzie's cheek.

I feel my heart grow full and give him a small smile, feeling so much love towards the two most important people in my life.

"She has your eyes Jake." I whisper to him.

"Let's hope she gets your brain's too." He says and I hit him playfully while I giggle.

"But no matter what, we'll love and support her. Right Ames?"

"Right." I say, gazing into his eyes.

We spend the rest of the night happily talking and imagining what our life will be like as we held our daughter in our arms, so excited for the future. This was the happiest I had been my entire life, with the two people I loved the most.

Hey guys, we have a name!!! So, this isn't the end, but it's going to be awhile until i update, i want to figure out where I'm going with the story. Thank You and Like always, you guys are amazing!!!

A Peraltiago BabyWhere stories live. Discover now