Chapter 24

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Amy's POV

"Yes. But Jake, I think my water just broke."


Jake shouted and I watched him jump out of the bed throwing the sheets on the floor and start racing around the room.

"Omigosh omigosh OMIGOSH!! Amy we gotta grab everything and go and I..." he trailed off as I watched him run out of the room momentarily, trying to stifle my giggles at him. He was so cute when he was worried and I found it hilarious that he was more nervous than I was at this moment, especially since I had just wet the bed and not him.

I waddled over to him with a hand on my stomach and grabbed him by the shoulders shaking him with the other free one.

"Babe! Calm down, stop spiralling! We prepared for this remember? Get changed and grab the hospital bag, and then I'll change and we can go okay?" I said. We had gone over exactly what to do in this situation many times, but I always knew and wasn't surprised that Jake forgot about it because he was freaking out.

"RIGHT! Right! Your right Ames! I'll go change now! I'll do that now!"

Colour slowly flushed back into his face as he brushed his curls out of his eyes and ran into the washroom making me chuckle. As fast as I could, I changed into a pair of loose sweatpants and one of my favourite sweaters, which happened to be one of Jake's.

Jake rushed out of the washroom just as I pulled the sweater over my head, grabbing my hands and helping me down the stairs.

"Your hands are so sweaty Jake!" I teased, mocking disgust.

"Sorry babe, I'm just really nervous!!" he said frantically rubbing his palms into the side of his hoodie.

I laughed again and kissed his cheek as he helped me out of the apartment and into the car. "I'm the one having the baby Jake."

"I know, I know, I just can't believe our daughter is coming!" he said staring dead in front of him at the road in a steady concentration.

I felt a contraction coming as I heaved in pain, getting worried glances from Jake. I gave him a small smile each time, ensuring him I was fine. I began to slow my breathing and tried to focus on something else, just like my binder had said.

"Did you tell Holt we won't be coming in today?" I asked Jake through gritted teeth.

"No, but I'm sure he'll understand when he finds out that you're on your way to the hospital." He said somewhat casually.

"Jake! Tell him!" I yelled a bit too loud, because of another contraction occurring. He knew that I hated missing work without a valid reason.

He jumped in his seat and nodded, rolling his eyes.

"Alright babe, I'll tell the squad as soon as I get you to the hospital and into a room ok? I promise." He smiled and held my hand in his. I squeezed his hand tightly, trying to breathe through the pain.

10 minutes later Jake pulled into the hospital driveway and ushered me out as we went as fast as I could to the emergency room. After talking to the doctors, I was set up in a private room and changed into my hospital gown, waiting for my contractions to be 5 minutes apart and last for a minute each time. Jake stood next to me, or was rather pacing around the room so furiously that it was starting to annoy me.

"Okay Ames, I just told Holt and he told the rest of the squad. So pretty soon my phone will be buzzing a lot. Our parents know too, they're on their way as we speak so it's going to be a very full waiting room." He told me turning and sitting down beside my bed.

"Jake, just go outside and talk to everyone I'll be fine." I told him, stroking his cheek.

"Are you sure?" he asked back, looking doubtful and holding my hand against his lips.

I grabbed his hand and looked into his beautiful brown eyes that I hoped our daughter would inherit. "I'm sure. Besides, you'll hear me scream your name." I giggled joking and he let out a couple of chuckles too. He leaned down to kiss me and then rested his forehead on mine.

"I love you Amy."

"I love you too Jake. Now go because you don't have much time to talk to people before this baby comes!"

Jake's POV

Almost shaking with nervousness, I took a deep breath and walked into the waiting room, ready to face the bombardment I was going to get from our family and friends. But hey, I'd do anything for Amy.

The first to greet me was our parents, because we had let them know first.

"Honey! Where is Amy!?" My mom asked excitedly as my dad and Amy's parents trailed not far behind her. Once they had all caught up, I let them know.

"Amy's in a private room, she's not ready yet, her contractions aren't 5 minutes apart."

"How is she, is she in pain?" Victor asked me, stepping forward and making me cower a bit. I had to admit, I was still a little afraid of him.

"She's doing good. The doctors gave her something for the pain and she's going to call me back soon because she wants me there."

Victor nodded in understanding as Camila tucked herself into his side and they walked over to the chairs and sat down. My parents followed suit and I saw the squad enter the hospital, Charles leading them, of course.

"JAKE!! WHERE'S AMY!?" he shouted and I winced as he was punched in the arm by Rosa. I grinned briefly, he was way to invested in my relationship.

"Shut up dummy, not so loud." She scolded him as he rubbed his arm and the rest of the squad formed around us.

"We came as soon as Holt told us. I assume she's in one of the rooms?" She asked, turning to me.

"Yeah, we're waiting for her contractions to be 5 minutes apart."

Holt stepped forward and shook my hand smiling, and I swear I almost s'ed my p's. "Congratulations Peralta. Thank you for letting the squad know." He said and received nods and chime ins of agreement from everyone else.

"No problem captain, you guys are like family to Amy and I." I said as they all found seats.

15 minutes later, I got a very urgent and all caps text from Ames telling me to get to her room. The baby was coming!

Amy's POV

"I'm here babe! I'm here!" Jake said running in and bending over to catch his breath.

He walked over to me and a sat down in the chair beside my bed, taking my hand in his.

"Jake, my contractions are five minutes apart. I called a doctor and they said I'm ready to give birth." I told him breathing through the pain.

"Okay Ames, what do you need me to do?" he asked kissing my hand.

"Just be here for me."

"Of course, babe. I'll be here always. I love you so much."

I smiled weakly. "I love you so much too."

I held onto his hand and we waited for the doctors to come in as I prepared myself for what would be the hardest thing I've ever done, but also the most rewarding and what would make me the happiest.

These next moments would define my life.

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