Chapter 26

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Jake's POV

"Hi there, baby. You are so cute!"

"She's gorgeous Jake. I love her!"

"I know Mom, she looks just like Amy."

"Aww, stop it Jake." Ames said as she leaned on me placing her head and hand on my chest.

We were in Amy's hospital room, the day after Mackenzie was born. My mom had come back again to see us but more importantly Mack. Currently, she was walking around the room holding her and making funny faces while I sat on Amy's bed. Amy and I watched her with huge grins on our faces.

I smiled at her and we shared a kiss before my mom put Mack back into my arms and sat down in the chair beside the bed.

I made a goofy face at my beautiful infant daughter and she babbled, reaching up to grab my finger with her tiny ones. I was so invested in the sight before me that I didn't notice both my mom and Amy smiling at me together.

"I always knew you'd be a great father honey." My mom said. Ames reached across and stroked Mack's face while still leaning on me.

"I did too. You're already doing amazing." She said and kissed my cheek. I blushed but smiled at the same time as my mom whipped out her camera and took a picture of the three of us.

"Such an adorable family." She said faintly, passing the phone over to us and putting a hand over her heart. I couldn't have agreed more as we observed the photo. I had an amazing family.

25 minutes later we were in deep discussion about what traits she would inherit from Amy or I as she grew up.

"Well, we already know she has Amy's skin tone, and I hope she gets her smartness too." I said.

"It's called intelligence, babe." Ames told me, giggling into my shoulder.

"Exactly my point!" I said and we all laughed.

"She has your eyes though Jake, maybe she'll inherit your curly hair too." My mom pointed out.

"Oh I hope so, I love his hair." Amy grinned, petting my curls.

"Weirdo" I teased her, and she swatted my chest as we all shared another laugh.

An hour later my mom said her goodbyes and wished us well, planning to come see Mackenzie when we brought her home in a couple of days. Amy was staying in the hospital a little longer just to make sure she was okay, and it was fine by me because her and Mackenzie's safety was above all else.

"This is great." I sighed, staring at Mackenzie in Amy's arms. She looked at me with a puzzled look on her face, peering at me.

"What is?"

"All of it. You, me and Mack, when I think about it, it's all I've really ever wanted. I can't believe how great it is."

I watched her smile grow and felt an immense and sudden rush of affection for the 2 people in front of me, my beautiful family.

"Aww, I feel the same way Jake."

We shared another kiss and then parted, both of us holding Mackenzie close. "I love you both so much." I told Ames.

"We love you too Jake." She said back, as I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close, both my girls in my embrace.

Amy was peacefully sleeping beside me and Mack was sleeping in my arms when Rosa came in followed by Charles for a second visit, just like my mom.

"Hey guys!" I whispered, pointing my head to Amy and then Mack, to let them know they were sleeping.

"HI JAKE!" Charles whispered a little too loud, but then regained control of himself. Rosa shook her head at him and nodded at me. "How are they?" she asked quietly.

"Amy's good, just tuckered out, and Mack's great, she's sound asleep."

Charles walked up to me and outstretched his arms, wanting to hold her. I carefully placed Mack in his arms and he beamed, then started to walk around the room with her.

"Shouldn't have done that Jake. Now he's never going to let her go." Rosa joked, and we both chuckled.

Then something strange happened that really surprised me. Rosa sat down beside me and grabbed my hand smiling.

"I'm happy for you and Amy Jake. She's beautiful." She said, full on grinning. I was so taken back by the sudden show of emotion that all I could do was just smile back.

"Wow. Thank you Rosa."

Charles approached her and gave her Mackenzie while we both watched in astonishment of how Rosa seemed to melt at the feeling of holding my baby girl.

Rosa smiled softly and whispered to her. "Hey Mackenzie. Auntie Roro is here to protect you."

At this point Amy had just woken up and saw Rosa holding our daughter. She smiled up at me and pressed her head into me wrapping her arms around my body.

"You guys are so cute." She said, and Rosa turned around and smiled.

"Can we expect more smiling from you Roro?" I teased.

"Don't expect it. And only Mackenzie can call me Roro." She answered, half glaring and half smiling. She walked up to Ames and she sat up, getting ready to receive Mack. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we both gazed down at her, entranced in the beautiful thing we created.

"She's a perfect mix of the both of you. I can see it!" Charles said excitedly and Rosa actually nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, guys, you have been great friends and I can't wait for her to grow up around people like you." Ames said.

"Yeah, seriously, thanks guys." I chimed in.

"You don't have to thank us, we'll always be here for you, just like you're always here for us." Rosa said before dragging Charles out of the room after her.

"We'll give you guys some time."

"SEE YOU SOON!" Charles yelled back.

Amy and I beamed at each other, full of deep appreciation for our friends and family. Then we both looked down at our daughter, who had just awakened and was full of energy, babbling and reaching her hands up at everything. I let her grab my fingers and I couldn't help but smile at the adorableness.

"Mackenzie Lila Santiago-Peralta, we love you so much." Amy whispered, leaning down to kiss her small forehead and then my cheek, and I reciprocated with a kiss of my own to both of them. We couldn't wait to bring her home.

Chapter 26!!! :)))

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