Chapter 9

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Amy's POV

I sat down on the couch and looked at the clock. It was 8 30pm, and Jake should have been home 2 hours ago. Of course, he told me he would be home late, but it still bothered me all the same. Ever since he took up the case with Rosa last week, Jake had been out with her working the case all the time. He was getting close to catching Turner and I was proud of him, but we barely have had a moment to ourselves the past couple of days. Today was Tuesday, and we had our doctor appointment to find out the sex of little beanie, or rather Charles was going to find out so we could find out later, on Thursday. The party would be the following Sunday. Whenever he got home, he would eat dinner and go to bed, and in the morning, he'd basically be gone by the time it was time for me to get up. I had been feeling really lonely as of late, and I just wanted to spend time with Jake. I decided in my head that when Jake got home, I'd tell him how I was feeling.

So at 9pm when Jake came in the door, I took a deep breath and walked up to him.

"Hey babe, sorry I'm so late again." He says, kissing my head and walking in.

As I close the door, I turn around and call him back from the kitchen.

"Hey Jake? Can we talk?" I ask him quietly.

He takes my hands and sits down on the couch beside me. "Sure Ames. What's up?"

I look at the ground, trying to figure out what to say. Jake lifts my chin up gently and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, out of my face.

"Hey, look at me Ames. Whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm here for you." He says softly, trying to read my face.

I take another deep breath and tell him. "Jake, I know that you're working a really hard case, and I'm so proud of you. But lately, I've been feeling really lonely. Whenever I get up, you're leaving for work and when you get home you head straight to bed. I- I just want to spend some time with you. I miss you." I tell him, a tear escaping my eye.

"Aw, Ames, come here." Jake says, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close, providing me with the sense of security I had been longing for.

"I'm so sorry you're feeling this way, and I'm sorry I didn't see how you were feeling. I love you so much Amy." He says, softly placing kisses on my head as he held me close.

I kiss his cheek as I smile up at him. "I love you too Jake, so much."

"Do you want me to drop the case? I'll do it for you Ames." He asks me, pulling out his phone.

I laugh and push his phone away. "No babe, I know it's important to you. Just promise you'll try and spend more time with me and our little beanie."

Jake smiles at me, placing a hand on my bump and squeezing me tightly. "I promise Ames."

The rest of the night I spend nuzzled into Jake's chest as we watch tv in bed, thankful that we finally could have a moment to ourselves after a very busy week.

Jake's POV

I look down to my chest where my super smart, incredible wife lay sleeping, as I grin like an idiot. She always could make me smile, just by looking at her. I watched as Amy's head moved up and down with every breath I took, steadily rising and falling. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I was so lucky.

The past week I had been so busy with my case that I didn't see how it was affecting her and I was so mad at myself. But, a couple of days ago, when we had a talk about how it made her feel, I made a promise that I would never make her feel like that again. I hated seeing her like that, I loved her way too much.

On a happier note though, today was Thursday, the day Charles was going to find out the sex of our little beanie for the reveal party. I chuckled to myself as I thought that he might honestly be more excited than Amy or I was.

Amy stirred in her sleep and began to wake up as I pressed a kiss to her head once again admiring her beauty.

"Morning beautiful! I love you."

I watch as Ames smiles and opens her eyes. "Hmm, good morning babe. I love you too." She says, kissing my cheek. I get out of bed as Amy begins to do the same and look at her.

"Are you excited Ames? Today is the big day before our bigger day!" I ask her, referencing our reveal party. Amy smiles at me as she nods. "Super excited babe."

An hour and a half later, Ames and I meet Charles at the ultrasound. "JAKE! AMY! I'M SO EXCITED! My best friend screams, running up to and hugging us. Amy looks and me and covers her mouth to hide her giggle as I just shake my head. "So are we Charles. Shall we?" I ask him, motioning inside with my hand.

After 15 minutes of waiting, the doctor takes us in to a room and gets Amy up on the table. When she is done, she turns to Ames and I. "I understand you want the gender of the baby to remain a secret?" she asks us.

"Yes please. You can tell our friend instead." Amy says, making Charles practically jump in joy.

The doctor nods, writing down something on a piece of paper and sliding it to Charles as I eye it nervously.

"I'm not going to read it here, I might get too EXCITED! See you guys on Sunday!!" He tells us, running out of the room.

We both laugh while Ames interlocks her hand with mine as we walk out to our car. "He's really, really excited isn't he Jake?" Amy giggles. "Yea, maybe even more excited than I am." I laugh back. The car ride back is filled with discussion about what gender we each think little beanie will be. I think beanie will be a girl, while Ames thinks we'll have a boy instead. It doesn't matter to me, because either way I'll be over the moon with happiness. I can't wait for our little beanie to be born!

When we get into the apartment, I tease Ames. "Well Amy? Does you baby binder have a tab for names yet?" I chuckle. "Not yet, I wanted to start thinking of names after we find out the gender. I thought it would be more efficient." She says back.

"God, you're smart." I say, picking up Amy and hugging her on the couch. She squeals in laughter as she kisses me. "You're not bad yourself Jake." She smiles at me. I smile back as I get up to make dinner for the two of us, since Ames wasn't the best cook, like I teased her all the time.

Eating dinner, we spend the rest of the night discussing work, trying to convince each other of our guess on what beanie's gender will be, and wondering how life with a little Jake or Amy running around the apartment will be. It didn't matter to me, because as long as I had Ames and our child in my life, I would always be happy.

This ones a little short but the next few will be longer don't worry! I'm having a little writers block so the next chapter will come in a few days.

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