Chapter 5

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Amy's POV

Slowly, I turn over each of the tests in my hand and open my eyes, my legs shaking violently. I read each one.




Suddenly I need to take a seat because my legs can no longer keep me upright and I struggle to keep my breathing under control. As I attempt to process this information and remain calm, I can feel the excitement in body building up, but still feeling a bit nauseous. I take a drink of water and attempt to fix my hair in the mirror. I can see a big grin on my face.

I'M PREGNANT! Jake is going to be so happy, we've been wanting this for so long, I can't wait to tell him! I'm going to be a mom, soon there's going to be a little Jake or I around the apartment. Just the thought is enough to fill my whole heart. I can't stop the tears of joy streaming down my cheeks as I think about how different my life will be now.

After a few moments of calming down and stroking the small, barely noticeable bump on my stomach, I stand up and pull myself together. Before I open the door, where Rosa is probably standing nervously on the other side, I take another couple of deep big breaths. "Let's tell her!" I whisper to my bump. When I open the door, Rosa is standing there arms crossed and a serious look on her face. I think she's trying to read me.

"So? What did it say?" she asks me anxiously.

"Well, you're going to be an aunt now Rosa!" I tell her, unable to contain my excitement.

"OH SHIT! You're pregnant! Congratulations!" She says to me, before pulling me into a big hug. Her reaction kind of shocks me, I've never seen her act this way, or even be this happy before. When she releases me, there is a huge smile on her face.

"A smile Rosa? Are you okay?" I tease her.

"Shut up I'm fine! I'm just happy for you. Jake is going to be so happy. Ha, what a sucker." She says, grinning up at the ceiling.

When she says that, I can feel myself get really nervous all of a sudden. How will I break this to Jake? And how will he take it? Will he be surprised, or scared or both? Rosa must have seen my smile fade a little and she could probably tell that I was jumping to conclusions. She grabbed both of my shoulders and stared me dead in the eyes.

"Hey, Amy. Don't worry, okay? You and Jake have wanted this for so long, I know he's going to be thrilled. I can tell he loves you a lot, you have no idea how much he talks about you when we're on stakeouts. I can't get him to shut up. When you tell him he's probably going to be so happy he'll cry, or I hope, so I can make fun of him. Anyways, you have nothing to worry about. Stop stressing and just be happy for yourself. Now c'mon, let's sit down and talk about how you're going to break it to Jake." Rosa says, motioning me downstairs to the couch.

My big smile returns as I hug my friend again. "Thank you, Rosa, that means a lot. That sounds good."

A couple minutes later, after I changed and got both of us a drink, Rosa and I were on the couch discussing how I should tell Jake. After a couple of drinks and some crazy ideas being thrown around, I finally decide on one. I'm going to wait until he gets home from the precinct and leave the tests out for him accompanied by a note that says "I can't wait to meet my daddy!"

I thought it was the perfect way and it would make Jake so happy. I couldn't wait for him to get home. When I got a text from Jake telling me he would be home soon, it took all my willpower not to tell him then and there. Rosa told me to go get changed and then wait for Jake. So, 15 minutes later when I hear the jingle of Jake's keys in the door, I jump off the couch and look at Rosa. This was it. Time to tell the love of my life about our child.

Jake smiles at me as he walks in and closes the door behind, him putting his bag down.

"Hey babe, I missed you." He says before placing his hands on my hips and kissing me softly, which I gladly return. When we break apart, he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "How was your day?" Before I can answer, Jake notices Rosa sitting on the couch.

"Oh hey Rosa, thanks for hanging with Ames for the day."

"No problem Jake." She says as she sips her drink, smiling at me.

I kiss his cheek and answer him. "My day was great. How was yours?"

"Ehh, it was pretty boring, aside from Charles debating with another officer over how a taco should be properly made for a whole hour and a half, and Scully breaking another chair just by sitting on it. Plus, I didn't get any new cases." He chuckles. I run my hands through his hair before pointing to the coffee table where my surprise for him lays. "There's something over there for you babe."

He looks at me and raises his eyebrows. "There is, is there? Okay my lady." He teases, earning a giggle and a light hit on the chest from me. He unwraps his hands from around my torso and walks over to the table.

I watch with excitement as he picks up the card and reads it. After just standing there for a couple of minutes, he turns around with the tests in his hand and I can already see a few tears escaping his eyes, down to the huge smile from ear to ear.

"Amy, are we having a baby?" he speaks quietly, voice quavering a bit. I nod at him vigorously. "You're going to be a dad, babe!"

Jake rushes over to me, picks me up and spins me around. I squeal in delight as he grins at me, pure joy on his face. "We're going to be parents!" he exclaims, setting me back down. I nuzzle my face in his chest as he again wraps his arms around me. "I love you so much Jake." I tell him, reaching up with my head for a kiss. He meets me halfway and kisses back. "I love you so much more, Ames."

Its only after that did I realize that Rosa is gone, she must have left after Jake read the card. I made a mental note to thank her later, but right now I just wanted to enjoy the moment. Jake takes me to the couch and I cuddle into him. One arm is wrapped tightly around me, while the other lifts my shirt up and puts his hand on my bump. "Wow, I can't believe this Ames. I'm going to be a dad."

I kiss his cheek and smile at him. "You're going to be a great dad Jake."

"Not as good as you will be the mom." He says, stroking my hair.

I giggle at how loving he's being before burying my head in the crook of his neck. Jake kisses my head and hugs me tighter. Then he whispers in my ear. "I love you so much Amy Santiago, and I always will. I can't wait to start our family with you. I promise I will always be here to protect you and our child, and I will never stop loving you both."

I feel my heart grow full and warm. Jake was being so adorably cute and I loved it. I wiggle out of his embrace slightly to tell him just how much I love him. "I love you more than you will ever know Jake Peralta, you are the perfect person for me." I say, ending my sentence with a peck on his lips.

We spend the rest of the night cuddled up on the couch watching old comedies as Jake holds me close and hugs me tight, one hand on my stomach the whole time. This was all that mattered to me, and all that I needed. Just me, my husband who I love so much, and our unborn child who we already loved so much. I could barely wait for the future.

Great now i need to think of baby names. suggestions are welcome lol

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