Chapter 12

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Amy's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since our reveal party and Jake has been the happiest I have seen him since our wedding day. Every morning this week I've woken up in his embrace, and he would kiss me each time like it was our last kiss. I thought it was amazing. Who knew he could be even more romantic than he already was? He has been under a lot of stress at work lately, especially with the Turner case, but when he gets home, he doesn't show it. He's just happy to be with me and our unborn daughter. His stress from work just disappears.

"Hey Ames!" Jake says walking in the door, snapping me out of my day dream. I walk up to him and greet him with a smile, taking his bag. His hands find a place on my hips, mine around his neck.

"How was your day?" I ask, kissing him. He smiles against our kiss before we break apart and rubs my cheek with his finger.

"It was good. Rosa and I are really close to Turner, we just need like one more stakeout to collect the last piece of intel. I can't wait to catch this guy."

I grab his hand and lead him towards the couch, indicating he sit down so I could nuzzle into him. As I get comfortable, he wraps his hand around my torso and places his hand on my stomach.

"How's our little girl doing?" he asks with a huge grin, making me laugh and kiss his chest.

"She's great, but I'm 22 weeks pregnant so maybe she'll start kicking more often!"

Jake kisses my head and squeezes me tight. "That's great Ames. Hey, the squad was going to head to Shaw's tonight and I thought I'd come home and see if you wanted to come, you know, since you came home early today. Do you want to go? If you don't that's totally fine, I'll stay home with you."

I shake my head and stand up. "That's sweet of you babe, but I think I'd like to go. It feels like we haven't hung out at Shaw's in a while."

"As you wish, my lady." Jake tells me, bowing down and pointing towards the door. I giggle and hold his hand as we head out to the car. "Thank you, my lord."

15 minutes later, Jake and I arrive at the bar. When we get inside, it takes me a moment to get to the squad, because at my stage in my pregnancy it takes more effort to move around. The whole time, Jake has his arm wrapped around me tucked to his side, helping me wave through the crowd. He's been so supportive and understanding.

"Thanks babe." I tell him, kissing his cheek when we finally get to the table. Charles's face lights up as he sees Jake and I approaching. "There's my favourite couple!" he yells out loud, making Jake and I blush while everyone looks at us.

"Amy! It's so good to see you! How long has it been?" Charles asks me running up to us.

"Hi Charles, I saw you this morning." I say unimpressed.

"That's too long! How is little Amy doing? Uncle Chee-Chee wants to know!"

Before I can answer, Jake motions me to a table with Rosa and Captain Holt. "Little Amy is great Charles. And for the last time, you're not going to be Uncle Chee-Chee!" Jake says, and I sense an argument coming. I laugh at the both of them before leaving Jake with Charles as I take a seat with Rosa and Captain Holt.

"Ah, Santiago, how are you?" Holt asks, taking a sip of his chardonnay. Rosa, just nods and takes shot of whatever she's drinking. "Sup Amy."

"I'm good Captain, I just thought I would drop by, it's been forever since we've done this."

Rosa chuckles and takes another shot. "Ha! No, it hasn't. You just can't drink anymore so you never come."

I just shake my head as I order a coke from the bartender. I'm used to Rosa's care-free attitude after so many years.

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