Chapter 8

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Jake's POV

A pillow hits my face as I wake up and find Amy standing over me with another one in her hand.

"Wake up Jake. Get out of bed!" she says to me, shaking her head and smiling.

I sit up, rub my eyes and smile back. "Morning babe." I say, opening my arms up for her. Amy walks over and sits in my embrace as I squeeze her tight.

"Hmm, morning Jake." She mumbles, snuggling into my chest. We sit there together for a few minutes before I chuckle. "Hey, I thought you were trying to get me out of bed." I tease.

Amy jumps out of my arms and looks at me, trying to look upset. "Right! You almost suckered me in Peralta!" she glares.

She walks over to the mirror and cups her bump. "You know, for 17 weeks, I don't look that pregnant. Does it make me look bad?" I get out of bed and hug her from behind. "Ames, nothing in the world could ever make you look bad. You are perfect. You and our little beanie." I say and press a kiss to her lips as she turns around and place my hands on her bump. I can feel her smile against my lips.

"I love you so much Jake." She says to me, running her hand through my curls.

"I love you way more Ames. Now c'mon, go get ready for your lunch date with your parents."

Amy's parents were in town, she was having lunch with them for the first time since her pregnancy and she wanted to catch up. I decided to skip out and go out with Rosa for the day because Amy's parents didn't really like me, and honestly, I was totally fine with missing lunch with them anyways. Ames heads to the washroom and gets ready while I shoot Rosa a text asking when and where to meet her.

Amy's POV

As I get ready to leave, Jake walks up to me and places a kiss on my forehead. "Bye Ames. Have a great time and say hi to your parents for me. God knows I can't. I love you." He says kissing me softly.

I laugh at Jake's goofiness and kiss him back. "I will babe, I love you too. Have fun with Rosa." I tell him before walking out the door.

30 minutes later I arrive at the restaurant and find my parents already seated at the table. I take a deep breath and walk over to them. My mom stands up and hurries over to me, looking very excited.

"Ammmmy! It's so good to see you! Oh my gosh look at you! You're so pregnant!" she says a little too loud, earning some glances from the neighbouring table. My dad is much calmer as he walks over to me and kisses my head. "Hey sweetheart. You look beautiful." He tells me. "Thanks dad." I say quietly and blush as I sit down.

As soon as we have all seated, my mom is already berating me with questions.

"How are you Amy? Tell me about the baby!" she asks me excitedly.

"I'm good mom. I'm glad we could finally do this. The baby is really great. I'm 17 weeks pregnant and the baby's healthy. Jake and I are going to the doctor next week to find out the sex for our reveal party." I tell her with equal excitement.

My dad listens to mom and I finish our conversation before chipping in.

"Where is Jake?" he says raising his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Oh he's hanging with Rosa for today." I tell him, at first thinking nothing of his question.

My dad sits up as he asks another question. "Is he being supportive? Is-"

I cut my dad off, a little hurt from his question. I should have expected this.

"Dad, don't do this. I know you and Jake don't always see eye to eye. But, I love him so much and he makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. He puts up with my midnight cravings and all of my binders. He's the most important person in my life. When our little beanie is born, boy or girl, I know he's going to be a great dad just like he's a great husband. So please don't question him anymore." I tell him, trying not to sound too upset."

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