Chapter 23

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Jake's POV

"Ames, you want another slice?" I called as I walked into the kitchen.

"Sure babe, but put an extra scoop ice cream on it please!" she called back, and I chuckled to myself knowing that her cravings were getting the best of her.

I had taken this week off to spend with Amy since she was 39 weeks pregnant and our angel was due pretty much at any time now. When I requested it, I told Holt how I didn't want to be at work if she went into labour and he fully understood. (He might have even smiled!) Today I thought we would watch movies and eat pie in bed, an idea Terry had given me several years ago when Ava was born. Surprisingly, Amy agreed with me.

I was half done scooping the ice cream when Amy yelled again, sounding moody. "Jake! What's taking so long?"

I smiled to myself and quickened my pace, grabbing my plate and hurrying into the room. I gave her the plate and was barely in the sheets by the time she was scarfing it down. I grinned and propped myself back beside her, leaning over to kiss her cheek. Once we had both finished our second slices of pie, I set them on my bedside table, as the two of us were both too full and lazy to walk all the way to the kitchen and back.

"Mmm, that was so good. Thanks Jake." Ames told me, sitting back and rubbing her hands over her baby bump while the TV ran in the background.

I swung my arm around her and pulled her close, pressing another kiss into the side of her head. She hummed at my kiss and slouched down in the bed, pulling me down with her. She rested her head on my shoulder and started to trace small circles into my chest.

"Something on your mind Ames?" I asked her as she planted another kiss on my shoulder. She looked up at me and smiled softly while I hugged her tight.

"Our baby's going to be here soon. I'm so excited."

"Me too. Quite a journey we've had hunh?" I said earning a giggle into my neck from her. I stared at her staggering beauty, the countless happy memories that lead us up to now going through my head.

"It was definitely not what I expected. If you had asked me where I thought I'd be ten years ago, I would never have said here, although now I'm happier than I've ever been."

I cocked my head and pumped my eyebrows, enjoying the smile I received from her. "Oh yeah, why is that?" I asked curiously. We hadn't really talked about this before.

Amy sighed gazing into my eyes and pulled lightly on my curls before continuing. "Well, ten years ago if someone had told me I'd marry Jake Peralta and give birth to his child, I would have called them crazy. God I was young and stupid. But now, I realize that it's not crazy at all. Marrying the one and only love of my life, and sharing a child with him? That's not bad at all."

I felt myself tearing up and struggled to speak for a few seconds. "Wow, Ames. If only you knew how much you mean to me. Damn, I love you so much." I said in a heavy breath, shoving my face into her head and repeatedly kissing it. I heard her laugh as she cupped my cheeks and captured my lips with hers. We stayed like that for several moments, I don't really know how long it was. All I could think about was her lips on mine, and how amazing it felt. When she let go of my face, Amy kissed my jaw and connected our foreheads. "I love you so much too Jake."

"Ames, you know I can't live without you right? I'm serious." I chuckled nervously. She tucked her head into the crook of my neck placing soft kisses there and rubbing my shoulder. "Good, because I can't live without you either." I just barely heard her say, as I placed a gentle hand on her stomach.

After 45 minutes of happy movie watching while we held each other tight, Amy broke the silence.

"Jake, do you think the nursery will be big enough for her?" she asked me, worry coating her voice.

I chuckled at her ridiculousness and stroked a finger along her cheek, following it with a kiss. "Babe, you're asking me if the room will be big enough for our baby. Everything will be big for her! But if it really matters to you, yes, I think it's big enough." I said, giving her a small smile.

Last week we had finally gotten around to changing our spare room into a nursery. At first, we debated moving, but decided to cross that bridge only if we needed to later. It took us a whole day, especially since I was doing most of the work. Of course, I insisted that I did, there was no way I'd let her do that stuff pregnant. We had decided to paint the room a light, but bright pink, and covered the ceiling with glowing stars that Amy saw while shopping and absolutely loved. The crib sat against the far wall and the dresser stood to the left of it. We had ordered a matching pink and fluffy carpet to go with the colour theme of the room. (Yes, there was a binder) Finally, we had a custom name plate made to hang on her door, but we keep it hidden until we reveal her name to everyone, as we had only recently decided.

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." She whispered. I planted a kiss on her shoulder and pulled her as deep as I could into my embrace. "You don't have to apologise Amy. I totally understand."

"That's why you're the best and only man for me Jake Peralta."

"Aww Santiago, you're gonna make me cry!" I teased her.

When our childish giggling died down, I stuck the hand the wasn't wrapped around Ames under my head and looked up at the ceiling.

"Being a parent is going to be so different Ames. Good, but different." I admitted.

She propped her head up on my chest, still latched on to me. "I know babe. It's going to be a big change, but one we will welcome with joy. Our daughter is going to bring so much joy into our lives, I promise."

"You don't have to convince me Ames. I'm just as excited as you are. Soon I'll get to brag about living with two extremely beautiful girls. Having a mini you around the apartment with the real you will make me so happy every day, no matter what happens."

She tilted her head to the side and smiled reaching upwards with her lips. I gladly took them in my own as her silky smooth hair tickled my face. We both smiled into the kiss before separating and briefly giggling to each other.

"I love you." She said again giving me her starry eyes.

"I love you more." I said back when she had returned to my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.

We went back to comfortably watching TV and were half way through the sixth Harry Potter movie when Amy sat up suddenly, jumping out of my arms and ripping off the blanket. I sat up after her, rubbing her back.

"What's wrong Ames? Are you okay?"

She turned to look at me surprised and brushing her hair away from her face as her cheeks flushed red.

"Yes. But Jake, I think my water just broke."

Hey, things are getting busy around here so the next one wont be for a while, sorry for leaving on a cliffhanger! :)   You guys are great, enjoy!!

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