Chapter 27

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Amy's POV

I woke up to Mackenzie's cries and opened my eyes to see an adorable sight. There Jake stood, holding her, swaying back and forth and humming and shushing her quietly. When Jake turned around and saw me looking at them, I gave him a big smile to which he returned.

"Looks like you woke mommy up Mack!" Jake teased, walking over to my hospital bed. "Good morning babe." He said, kissing my cheek and handing our daughter to me.

"Mm, morning Jake. Did you have a good sleep on the hospital couch?" I yawned chuckling while getting ready to feed Mackenzie.

"Ha ha. No. It was not great, I'm so happy we get to go home today."

"Me too." I agreed, staring at my beautiful baby daughter.

After the nurses had brought us our breakfast and helped change Mack, Jake was sitting on my bed with an arm around me as I held Mackenzie. We were waiting for Charles and Rosa to come pick us up and take us home, as offered during their last visit.

"You know Ames, I still can't believe we made something so amazing." He told me stroking her cheek, and I giggled leaning into his shoulder.

"I know. She looks just like you babe."

"Nah, this one's all yours Amy." He said back and we both laughed.

"I love you both so much." Jake breathed heavily, squeezing me into him and placing a kiss into my hair.

"We love you too." I whispered back, comforted in his embrace. We stayed like that for a while, until Charles and Rosa arrived shortly after.

"So Jakey, you guys must be excited to head home hunh!?" Charles asked Jake as he helped him load the car.

"You know it Boyle. I look forward to sleeping beside Ames again and not some crappy and smelly hospital couch." I heard Jake say and giggled, while Rosa mocked him and grinned. Once we were all in the car and ready to go, I gave Mack to Jake and leaned into him again as we drove home.

"You guys are SO ADORABLE!" Charles said loudly, taking a picture of the three of us. The flash blinded me for a second before I remembered how I currently looked.

"Charles! Delete that! My hair is a mess and I look terrible!" I said, feeling very self-conscious at the moment.

"Ha ha!" Rosa chuckled, still staring at the road as she drove.

"You look as just as beautiful as you always do Ames, relax." Jake nodded encouragingly and smiling at me.

"Aww, you're so sweet babe." I gave him a soft smile and kissed his cheek.

"So, what are the plans when you guys get home?" Rosa asked casually.

"Well, the first thing I need to do is take a shower, and then I need to look over a couple of my binders, and that's really it. Jake's and my main focus is introducing Mackenzie to her new home." I answered.

I watched Jake and Charles smile at each other before both shaking their heads. "Check your binders? Really babe?" Jake asked.

"What? What's wrong with that?"

"Same old Santiago." Rosa chimed in and we all shared a good laugh.

10 minutes later we pulled into our driveway and Rosa turned around to look at us.

"Alright Santiagos and Peraltas, you're home."

"I think you mean Peralta, Santiago, and Santiago-Peralta." Charles told her.


Jake put Mack back in my arms and helped us both out of the car as Charles came around from the other side with our bags. We exchanged our goodbye hugs and thank you's before they drove off and Jake opened the door to our apartment, as we prepared to enter with a new member of our family for the very first time.

We both took a big breath before I stepped inside, followed by Jake.

"Welcome home Mackenzie." I whispered to her as she reached her arms up and looked around the room. Jake gave her a soft kiss on her tiny forehead before walking by to put our bags away.

"Welcome home, angel." He said.

Later, after we took turns showering and cleaning up, I found myself sitting on the couch beside Jake watching tv as he held Mackenzie in his lap.

"Ahh, this is the life Ames. Just me and my two girls, who I love more than anything."

"Aw, Jake, I love you so much." I leaned into him for a kiss when Mackenzie started crying at the same moment. We both sighed, smiling and shaking our heads as Jake handed her to me for feeding.

"Get used to it Ames, this is probably going to be our new normal." He beamed at me.

"I love it already." I said, and we both agreed instantly.

The rest of our evening was spent watching tv, eating dinner and feeding Mackenzie as Jake and I cherished the time we were getting to spend with our daughter.

At 9pm, we headed upstairs to get ready for bed after 1 last feeding and diaper change for Mackenzie. I kissed her goodnight and Jake did the same as I pulled back the covers and got into bed. After tucking Mack into her cot and turning off the lights, Jake got into bed as well.

He smiled at me opening up his arms, and I pulled myself into his embrace. I laid my head down on his chest and his arms came around me, hands in my hair. He gave me several kisses on the head and I reciprocated with some of my own to his jaw. I loved our little moments like this.

"I'm so happy Jake. I have such an amazing family." I finally said, breaking the silence.

"Me too Ames, this is all I could've ever asked for." He said back, and although I couldn't see his face, I could definitely tell he was smiling.

"I can't wait to watch her grow up and become a strong and beautiful woman."

"Me too Ames. But let's enjoy her extreme cuteness now, while it lasts." Jake said and we shared a silent laugh.

"I love you Jake." I spoke into his chest, as I drifted off to sleep.

"I love you more Amy." He said, and I felt happy and loved as I fell asleep with my newly expanded family.

Hey guys, thanks for continuing to read my story!! I just wanted to let you know that the only time I can upload now is when I have free time LOL Thanks for your amazing patience!!!

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