Chapter 6

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Jake's POV

I couldn't help but smile as I stared at my beautiful wife as she slept on my chest, her head rising and falling with my breathing. It hadn't even been 24 hours since I found out I was going to be a father, and I couldn't believe it. I kissed Amy's head as she moved a little to get comfortable. She was the cutest thing ever. As the sun came shining through our blinds on the window, I watched as Amy slowly woke up. She yawned and sat up as she rubbed her eyes and put a hand through her messy hair in a bun. I honestly thought this was the most beautiful she had ever been as I found myself grinning like an idiot.

"Good Morning babe." I say, giving her a kiss. I can feel her smile in the kiss and when we break apart she has a soft smile on her face.

"Good Morning Jake. I love you" she says. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me, so that her head is in the crook of my neck. "I love you too Ames." I whisper, pressing another kiss to her head.

"Jake, we have to get up. We have the ultrasound appointment in 2 hours." Amy whined.

Damn, I had forgotten about that. After Rosa had left yesterday Amy and I had made an appointment so we could see how far along Amy was and to get some pictures of our little baby. I was excited but I also just wanted to stay in our perfect little world.

"I know Ames, but can't we lay here a little bit longer please? You're so warm." I whined back. Amy laughed as she wiggled out of my hug and kissed my cheek. I watch as my wife got out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror.

"You know, you can't really notice the bump just yet." She says, running her hands over her stomach. I laugh at her and jump out of bed to wrap my arms around her from behind and place my hands on her little bump.

"We will soon enough babe, don't worry about it." I say, kissing her cheek.

An hour later, after getting ready and having a quick breakfast, (I had gummy bears, much to Amy's displeasure) I'm driving us to the ultrasound clinic. Beside me Amy looks really nervous, she's constantly bouncing her knee up and down and keeps fiddling with her ring. When we pull into the parking lot, I park and face her.

"Ames, I know you're nervous, so am I, but everything will be fine, okay? I love you so much." I say, finally managing a smile from Amy, which in turn makes me smile just as wide.

"Thanks Jake, I love you so much too." Amy says, placing a peck on my lips as we get out of the car and walk into the clinic hand in hand. We check in and sit for 20 minutes in the waiting area before get called into one of the rooms.

I take a seat on the chair as Ames sits on the bed table beside me. We sit in silence waiting for the doctor, Amy squeezing my hand tight. When the doctor comes in, she introduces herself before having Amy lie down on the table. She rubs the cool gel on Amy's slightly swollen stomach as the ultrasound begins. On the screen, we can our little growing bean, as we liked to call it. "That's our little bean!" Amy says to me, her face lit up into a big smile. I squeeze her hand as I smile back. "Yep! That's our bean babe!" I say, enjoying Amy's happiness.

"As you can see, this is your baby. You are currently 9 weeks pregnant, but if you come back in a few weeks we can give you an approximate due date and after that, the gender." The doctor addresses to Amy, before confirming the dates for our next appointments in the coming weeks.

We thank the doctor as I help Amy off the table and we walk out together. The car ride back is a silent one, but comfortable. The whole way back our hands are interlocked as she stares out the window with a tiny smile on her face. When we get home, she wraps her arms around my body and she leans her head on my shoulder. When I shut the door behind us, I make my way to the couch, Amy still latched onto me. I sling my arm around Amy, pulling her close to me and put on the news in the background, as I got the sense she wanted to talk.

"Hey Jake?" she says, looking up at me.


"Can we keep little bean a secret for now? Just until I feel ready to tell the squad. I mean, our parents already know, you should have seen my phone when I told them, it vibrated right off the table."

I chuckle and press a kiss to my wife's cheek. "Of course Ames, whatever you want. But doesn't Rosa already know?"

"Yeah, but she can keep it a secret for now, unlike Charles." She says, both of us laughing in agreement. Just thinking about how my best friend will react when we do tell him is enough to make me cringe.

Amy snuggles closer into me. "I can't wait to be a mom Jake. I've wanted this for so long."

"Ames, you're going to be the greatest mom ever. I hope we have a girl so she can be as pretty and as smart as you." I tell her, playing with the ends of her hair.

"Aw babe, you're the sweetest. You're going to be a great dad as well. And I know you're worried that you might be like your father, but I promise you won't be. You just found out about our baby yesterday and you already have like 3 books about parenting that I've seen you read, which is super hot, by the way. You have nothing to worry about Jake." Amy says, before kissing my head.

It's true, Amy was right. I have been scared about how I might be as a father. He wasn't the greatest and although he's here now, he wasn't when I needed him the most and that's why I decided to be the best father ever, for our little bean and for Amy.

"Thanks Ames, I love you so much. And I love you so much too little bean." I say before kissing Ames and then her stomach.

"We love you too." Amy smiles, as she runs her warm hands through my curls.

What an awesome life I had. My dream job, my dream girl, and soon, a beautiful kid. Nothing could get better than this. I will never let anything hurt my family, I promise.

chapter 7 will come in a few days, ive been super busy with work so pre writing has been a bit challenging. thanks guys!

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