Chapter 20

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Amy's POV

"Hey there my little angel, how are you today? I love you so much! I can't wait for you to be here!"

I opened my eyes and woke up to Jake whispering to my stomach with the softest smile on his face. It was pure joy. I just laid there and watched him whisper, still not aware that I was awake. He amazed me every day about how much he wanted to be a father. He really had changed so much and I couldn't wait to see him with our little girl.

"You'll be just as beautiful as your mommy and just as smart too. Don't tell mommy but by the time you're four you'll probably be smarter than me." Jake chuckled to my bump, pleased with himself.

I giggled and pulled him up to me, surprising him. "Ames! How long have you been up?" he asked, his cheeks turning a dark shade of red.

"Long enough." I said quietly, smiling widely at him and feeling his tangled threads, admiring how handsome he looked even with his messy hair and tired expression.

He nervously grinned back and leaned down to kiss me, which I full-heartedly returned. Even though I kissed him all the time, it was like each one was the first, magical one.

"Happy anniversary babe." Jake said to me when we broke apart. I put my hands around his neck and stared into his beautiful baby brown eyes.

"Happy anniversary Jake. I love you so much." I told him, kissing his cheek.

He rolled off of me and onto my side as he slid his arms through mine and around my body from behind, simultaneously placing soft kisses on my neck.

"I love you so much more Amy." He whispered in my ear and squeezed me tight. I leaned back and rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

"Who would've thought two years could go by so fast? I remember proposing to you like it was yesterday, and our wedding seems like this morning to be honest!" Jake told me making me laugh.

"I know babe, its gone by fast. Those memories make me so happy but this year will be different." I said, interlocking my hand with his and placing it on my bump. It was perfect timing because I felt our daughter kick and my smile was matched by an even bigger one from Jake.

"Yeah, and I can't wait for the years to come Ames. Everyday spent with you is a gift." Jake said, and I felt my heart swell full.

I turned around in his embrace and placed my forehead on his. "I love you so much Jake. I'm so lucky to have you."

I watched a smile tug at his mouth and he shook his head, kissing my nose. "Nope. You know I'm the lucky one Amy. Lucky to have my girls." He finished his sentence by placing a kiss to my stomach.

For about 20 minutes I laid there in Jake's arms, and all I could think about was how I couldn't possibly love him more than I did that very moment.

After that, 15 minutes later we were both in the kitchen and Jake was making me breakfast when I decided to tell him about my surprise.

"Here you go, my lady." Jake said making a funny face and getting a chuckle out of me. Jake was the better cook between the two of us, I can't even count the number of times I've almost poisoned him. (Thank god my husband can cook.)

"Thanks babe." I said as he sat down in front of me, shoving his face full with food. I shook my head at my childish husband and waited until he was done eating to tell him about my anniversary gift.

"So, Jake, I have an anniversary gift for you." I told him pumping my eyebrows.

At those words he stopped eating and sat up straight, smiling at me.

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