Chapter 10

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Amy's POV

I wake up to the piercing sound of the phone ringing in the morning as I hear Jake groan beside me. I wiggle myself out of his cozy embrace and sit up to answer the phone while Jake turns around and covers his head with a pillow. Laughing at him, I pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I said sleepily.

"HI AMY! ARE YOU READY FOR TODAY? CAUSE I AM!!" Charles yells back, making me wince in pain and pull the phone away from my ear.

I sigh, I should have known it would be Charles. Of course I was excited, so was Jake. I was 19 weeks pregnant, and today was our reveal party. But we didn't need to be woken up at 7 AM on a Sunday, especially since our reveal party wasn't until 12pm.

"Hi Charles, yes I'm excited. Why did you call?"

"Oh, I'm just so excited for you two! I can't wait for the party! Can I talk to Jake?" he asks me, way too excited to keep his voice down.

"Sorry Charles, you'll have to wait for the party. Jake's asleep and I don't want to wake him. I have to go, I'll see you later." I tell him, hoping he'll believe my lie. I just want to sleep god dammit.

"Okay, see you later Amy!!" Charles again basically yells before hanging up.

I put the phone back on my bedside table and lay down as Jake turns around and puts his head on my chest, hugging me.

"Thank god, I thought he'd never hang up." He mumbles into my neck.

I chuckle and place a kiss on his head, untangling his soft curls.

"Babe, he is your best friend." I tell him, trying to cheer him up.

"No, he's my second-best friend. You're my best friend Ames." He yawns.

"Awe, I love you Jake." I tell him, pecking him on the lips.

He smiles into my kiss and then hugs me tighter.

"I love you too. Now can we go back to sleep? I could use another hour before all the excitement later today." He asks me, and I can hear just how tired he is.

I nod in agreement and he snuggles into me as I play with his hair, watching him fall asleep with a soft smile on my face before sleep takes me as well.

The next time I wake up, I check my clock. The time is 9 30. So, after Charles's way too early phone call, Jake and I were able to sleep for another 2 and a half hours. I'm well rested and I can feel my excitement building up about the day as I gently wake up Jake. He's still sleeping, face buried in my neck and 1 arm tucked around my stomach, where our little beanie was. He was so handsome as he slept, I thought with a small smile.

"Jake, Jake wake up babe." I tell him, shaking his shoulder lightly. He slowly opens his eyes and sits up to stretch, yawning loudly. I giggle at him and he grins back at me.

"Morning Ames." He says, placing a kiss on my cheek. Then he jumps out of bed and begins getting ready for the day faster than I've ever seen him do in all of our time together. I get out of bed and place my hands on my hips surprised.

"Wow Jake, you must be excited." I say, still shocked at how he's acting.

"I am Ames, today is a big day. We get to find out if beanie will be like me or you!" he exclaims smiling wide. I watch as Jake walks over to me and bends down so he's right in front of my bump.

"Hey Beanie, I hope you're like your mommy so you can be just as smart and beautiful and awesome as she is. I'm so excited! He whispers to my stomach, unable to wipe the grin from his face.

I feel my heart melt slightly at what Jake says and pull him up to me to kiss him deeply. When we part, I hug him tight forcing my face into his chest.

"I love you so much more than you know Jake." I say quietly, enjoying being in the comfort of my husband's warm embrace. He repeatedly kisses my head and rubs my back.

"Good thing I love you more than that Ames." He says, making me laugh.

Jake's POV

30 minutes later, I'm downstairs eating breakfast while Amy paces in our kitchen on speaker phone with Charles making sure everything was going to schedule. She was so organized, man I loved her so much.

"Charles, how are the decorations going? Are they done yet?"

"Amy, don't worry, everything's fine. I can't wait until you and Jake get here!" I hear Charles answer back excitedly.

"Ames, I'm sure Charles has it under control. Just relax." I tell her, as she sits down across from me, biting into a muffin. A wave of worry flashes across her face before she starts to relax.

"You're right. Of course you're right. I just want everything to be perfect. I'm so excited!" she smiles, her hands on her baby bump.

"That's my girl." I say smiling back and leaning across the table to kiss her cheek.

When we've both finished our breakfast and Ames has calmed down, we leave the apartment to head to the local community center where the party is being held.

When we get there, I lace my hand with Amy's as we walk in. Inside, a beautifully decorated room awaits us. Hanging from the ceiling are blue and pink streamers, and the wall has been covered with pink and blue poster board. In the center of the room is our reveal cake, underneath a large banner that reads "CONGRATS JAKE AND AMY! IT'S A ...."

Everyone Ames and I wanted to attend was already there: Our parents, Captain Holt, Kevin, Terry and his family, Charles and his family, Rosa, Gina, Hitchcock and Scully, my sister Kate, and a few other friends.

As soon as he saw us walk in, Charles runs up to Amy and I.

"JAKE! AMY! YOU'RE HERE!" he grins widely. I hug my best friend and grin back at him.

"Hey Charles, this party looks great. Thanks so much!"

"Yeah Charles, thank you!" Amy says, before smiling at me.

"No problem Jakey, it was my pleasure! I Can't wait for you guys to cut the cake!!" he says before going to spread his excitement to Rosa, who looks annoyed, earning a chuckle from both Ames and I.

At half past 12, after letting everyone settle in, I ask for everyone's attention.

"Hey guys, thank you for coming to our reveal party! If everyone would gather around, Ames and I are going to cut the cake. But first, I want to see what you guys think! Everyone who thinks beanie will be a boy, stand on the left, a girl on the right." I tell our guests, intrigued to see what everyone will think. Amy walks up to me and I put an arm around her waist while we step back and watch.

On the left, or the boy side, is Captain Holt, my mom and dad, Amy's mom, Hitchcock and Scully, Genevieve, and Kate. On the right is Rosa, Gina, Kevin, Nikolaj, Amy's dad, and Terry and his whole family. Charles stands in the middle as he already knows the gender.

Together, Amy and I grab the knife, hovering it over the cake. "Okay noice! Now that that's settled, time to cut the cake!" I say, earning cheers from our guests while Charles starts a countdown.


Amy kisses me and then hugs me tight.


Boy or girl? I Hope it's a girl.


I can't wait to cut this cake.


Ames looks so happy! I love her so much.


I'm finally going to find out the gender of our little beanie!!

What do you guys think it will be!? ;)

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