Chapter 16

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Rosa's POV

Amy turned around and answered Charles. "I'm going to arrest Logan Turner."

Was she crazy? There was no way she could arrest him and I was definitely going to tell her. It was way too dangerous. She clearly wasn't thinking.

"Amy are you insane? You're pregnant! Have you thought about that? There's no way you can arrest him, no one even knows where he is!" I said standing between her and the door.

Her face grew angrier and I waited for her response.

"Well what am I supposed to do Rosa!? Just wait here, hoping that Jake wakes up? It's too much for me. I want to catch Turner, I don't want him to hurt anyone else!" She said before taking a few steps back and collapsing into the chair behind her.

I sighed and sat down beside her while Captain Holt and Charles stood by and watched, unsure of what to do. A few tears made their way down Amy's face and onto her lap as I held her hands and forced her to look at me.

"Amy. We've been through this dude. It's going to get tough sometimes and there will be times when all we can do is wait. I know you want to do something about Turner, but Jake wouldn't want you or the baby in danger. We all know that. The best thing you can do right now is stay by his side, so when he wakes up, you're the first person he sees." I said, keeping my emotions in check.

Amy swallowed and nodded her head before whispering to me. "Thank you, Rosa." She said gripping my hands. I nodded back before standing up and walking over to the door way. I motioned for Captain Holt and Charles to leave the room with me. I felt that Amy needed some time alone, to think in peace.

Amy's POV

After Rosa and the others left the room, I stopped holding my tears back. I just let them flow down as I thought about all the sadness I had experienced the past few days. About how my husband, the father of my daughter, my soulmate, lay in the bed beside me unresponsive and I couldn't do a thing about it. I was alone and a piece of me was missing.

I dried my face with my shirt and faced myself towards Jake's bed. Forcing a small smile, I ruffled his hair and placed a long kiss on his forehead. I laid my head down on his chest and listened to his heart beat, trying to soothe myself.

"I miss you so much Jake. The 99 isn't the same without you babe. Wake up soon ok?" I begged him before I placed one more kiss on his chest and fell asleep, my eyelids feeling very heavy.

Jake's POV

I felt groggy and completely drained as I slowly opened my eyes. Bright lights forced me to blink repeatedly while I attempted to adjust to the light. I had no idea where I was and the last thing I could remember was being in that warehouse with Rosa and the takedown team. I tried to sit up but immediate pain all over my body prevented me from doing so and making my eyes water. Finally, I realized where I was. With all the machines connected to me and the tubes in different parts of my body, I had to be in the hospital. I hated hospitals. I just wish I could remember how I came to be here. Then I looked down and smiled, even though it hurt my head. I didn't care.

There, fast asleep on my chest, was my beautiful wife looking peaceful and calm. I lifted a heavy arm and put it around her, before leaning down and placing a kiss on her head breathing in her wonderful scent. God, it seemed like it had been forever since I had done that.

I stroked her cheek softly and whispered to her. "Hey Ames." Quietly waking her up.

I watched as she rubbed her eyes and lifted her head up looking around. When she looked at me, I smiled and said it again. "Hey Ames."

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