Chapter 11

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Amy's POV


Nervously, Jake and I cut into the cake, hands shaking and eager to know what colour lays inside. Just as we cut a slice, Charles shoots a confetti gun at us, matching the colour of the cake.


"ITS PINK AMES! We're having a baby girl!!!!" Jake says to me in excitement, picking me up and spinning me around a couple times. I laugh as he puts me down and kisses me passionately, holding me close to him.

"I love you so much more now than ever Ames. You're my whole world." He tells me pressing his forehead on mine, and I can feel the tears beginning to flow. They are tears of happiness, because of how happy I am with my friends, my amazing husband, and our unborn daughter in this very moment. I place my hands on his face and look into his baby brown eyes.

"I love you so much Jake. More than ever." I whisper to him, as we share another tender kiss and I hug him, feeling at home in his arms.

After that, Jake and I are swarmed by our guests, each one congratulating us and asking questions. As I'm whisked off by my mom and Jake's mom, I look back at Jake and smile, telling him not to worry. We'll have our time alone later, but now was a time to celebrate. I know he understands when he smiles back and winks at me, he never fails to make me laugh.

Jake's POV

I'm sitting at a table with Rosa, Terry, Charles, Holt, and my dad as I watch Amy talking and laughing with my mom, her parents, Genevieve, and Gina.

"So Jake, a daughter hunh? You must be happy. Let me tell you, they're a lot of work, but they're also amazing. I should know, I have three!" Terry asks, smiling and raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah Terry, I'm so stoked, you have no idea. It'll be like having another Amy in the apartment. I can't wait." I answer back, taking a sip of my orange soda.

"Wow Jake, you must really love her." Charles says, head on his hand like he's day dreaming while staring off into nothingness.

"Uh, it should be kind of obvious by this point Boyle. Of course I do. There's nothing that compares to Ames and our daughter."

My dad sits up in his chair and then looks at me with relief on his face. "You're lucky you didn't have a son Jakey. You know, with the Peralta curse." He whispers across the table.

Annoyed, I just roll my eyes. "Dad, we've been through this. There is no curse, and I planned on being an awesome dad whether I had a boy or a girl. I don't want to hear any more about that stupid curse."

Dad sits back and nods, accepting what I've asked of him, although I get a feeling it will come up again. Whatever, I shouldn't let it bother me.

I turn to Holt, who's opinion I've been most curious about and still hadn't heard, when he meets my gaze.

"Peralta, when I first met you, you were a childish, immature detective with no clear plan on how you were going to live your life."

I smirk. "I hope that isn't all you have to say Captain."

Holt holds up his hand to let him finish. "But as the years have passed, I've been amazed as I've watched you change. You've grown into a mature and smart adult, detective, and husband. I believe finally admitting your love for Santiago was the start of your development. I remember how proud of you both I was on your wedding day, but today I am prouder as I take comfort in knowing how good of a father you will be to your daughter once she is born." He says, and I feel myself starting to cry like an idiot.

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