Chapter 22

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Amy's POV

"Sorry Jake!" I whispered as I fell back into bed at 3 am, momentarily scaring him awake. I had successfully gotten out of bed and to the washroom without waking him, but unfortunately, I couldn't do the same coming back. This was a normal now, especially since I was nearing 36 weeks and it made everything I did ten times harder.

Jake turned over to face me eyes still closed and smiled as his soft curls fell down his head. He pulled himself closer to me and snaked his arms around my body, pressing a tired kiss to my cheek.

"Mm, no problem Ames, you know I don't care as long as you and our angel are alright." He yawned while I placed my head back on his chest and smiled too. I listened to his heart beat while his hand ran through my hair. It was my favourite sound.

He had really been so amazing these past few weeks as my pregnancy grew. No matter how many times I asked him to get me some ridiculous craving or woke him up in the middle of the night with my trips to the washroom, he never faltered. He'd just give me one of his gorgeous smiles and heed my request, and every time made me remember how lucky I was to have him.

I snuggled into his shoulder and sighed in content as he rubbed a finger along my stomach. "I love you so much Jake. Thank you for being so amazing these last few weeks." I said faintly.

He kissed my head and brushed my cheek before saying something exactly like I expected him to. "I love you so much too Ames. And you don't need to thank me okay? It's my job to make sure you and our daughter are healthy and happy. Now how about we get some sleep hunh?" he chuckled giving me a short squeeze. I nodded in response and gave him a peck on the lips before we fell asleep together.

I flickered my eyes open as some sunlight snuck its way into our room. After a small yawn I moved to get up but felt something stopping me. Jake still had me in his arms and was snoring rather loudly sound asleep. Muffling my giggle with my hand at how adorable he was, I tenderly kissed his chin and carefully moved his arm off of me before making my way out of bed. I was always so comfortable in his arms that I usually forgot I was actually in his arms. It took me a while, again thanks to my pregnancy. It was only 9 am, so I decided to let Jake sleep. Besides, thanks to me I had kept him up late basically all of this week. Usually he would always get up and help me, but today was Saturday and I wanted to let him have the rest he deserved.

An hour later I was downstairs at the table in the middle of my oatmeal when I got a text from Gina, and I almost dropped my spoon because of the rarity that it happened.

Hey Arnie, girls lunch today? Rosa's coming too. Only asking cause I'm super bored.

Sure, I'd love that! We haven't done one in so long!

Alright, don't get it twisted. I'll be there in 45 mins to pick ya up.

I smiled and placed my phone down to finish my oatmeal. I was excited the three of us could get together again, we hadn't really done it since I was pregnant. I quickly wrote a note for Jake telling him where I was and more importantly that I'd be fine, because he had been super overprotective of me lately. I didn't mind it though, I found it really sweet. He always surprised me at how loving he could really be.

45 minutes later I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, getting into Gina's car.

"Oof, you're looking real big there Arnie." She said chuckling and looking at me as I closed the door, referencing my stomach.

"Ha-ha Gina. Yeah, I know. Jake keeps telling me I'm like a big cuddly ball." I said shaking my head in pretend shame.

"Sounds like a Jake thing to say." She responded while we drove to the café. When we got there Rosa was already sitting down with impatience indicated across her face.

"There you two dorks are, I've been here for like fifteen minutes already." She said crossing her arms.

"Sorry Rosa, had to pick up the mama over here." Gina told her pointing her thumb behind her to me.

"Hey Rosa!" I smiled at her pulling out a chair and sitting down.

After ordering, Rosa and Gina watched me scarf down my food with expressions of wonder and confusion mixed on their faces.

"Sorry, baby's hungry." I mumbled to them pointing and they nodded before smiling at each other, no doubt making fun of me.

"Yeah I can tell. So, where's Jake?" Rosa smirked.

"Oh, I kept him up all night so I let him sleep in."

"Why? Did you talk until his ear fell off or something?" Gina asked earning a fist bump from Rosa.

I rolled my eyes and reminded myself that I wanted to be here. "No, with my stupid pregnancy cravings and middle of the night washroom trips. He's been so good about it though, I've never heard him complain once."

This time Rosa rolled her eyes at me and leaned back in her chair while Gina drank her milkshake. "Well obviously he's not going to do that."

I scrunched my eyebrows and tilted my head, which was what Jake called my "Cute confused look."

"What do you mean?" I asked my friends.

"Dude, have you seen the way he looks at you? Cause we have since before you guys were together. From what I can tell, he looks at you like you're the only woman in the world or something. Do you not notice how his face lights up when you enter the room? He's not going to complain about anything you want him to do. I'm pretty sure he'd jump off the Brooklyn Bridge if you asked him to." Rosa said, hiding a smile.

"It's kinda cute that you haven't really noticed that." Gina added.

I felt my cheeks grow warm as I stared at the ground and tucked my hair behind my ears. When I did that Rosa and Gina both smirked but didn't say anything. They were right, I guess I didn't see that Jake did that. God, he was the most perfect man ever and I loved him so much. How did I ever get someone like him?

"You guys are right, I never did realize that, and we've been together for years." I admitted, nervously smiling. At that point all three of us laughed and then engaged in sharing funny stories about Jake, although I was doing most of the sharing because I actually lived with him. I was glad I was able to spend time with my friends, no matter how much they made fun of me. They had always been there for me and I knew I would always be there for them.

When I got back to the apartment a couple of hours later, I found a very happy and well rested Jake waiting for me.

"Hey babe!" he said to me, and I saw his face light up just like Rosa talked about. He walked up to me and kissed my head before bending down to kiss my stomach, with his big, goofy smile.

"Did you have a good time with Rosa and Gina?" he asked, slinging an arm around me as we sat down on the couch. Leaning into him, I put my feet up on the coffee table.

"Yep! We had a lot of fun and totally didn't make fun of you." I told him giggling.

"Darn, I knew that was a possibility." He smirked, kissing my cheek and giving me goosebumps. Then he went on to tell me about his day, but I wasn't fully listening. As I looked at him, I just sat there thinking about how handsome he was, and how he made me jump inside every time I saw him. There was no one else I'd rather be with, or to have father my daughter.

"Ames, are you listening?" he asked me, running a hand through his hair. I beamed at him and placed my lips on his. He deepened the kiss momentarily before we broke apart and he had confusion stretched across his face.

"What was that for?" he asked. I nuzzled into his chest while he rested his hand on my stomach.

"For being you." I whispered back.

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