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     Once they’d loaded everything onto the ferry and it’d begun to move, Cosmo headed straight for the duty-free and came back looking gleeful for approximately 8 seconds. Then-

    “Oh, shit,” he said dejectedly. Jared and Isaac looked up to see him cradling a large bottle of duty-free vodka and gazing mournfully down at it. He looked up at them to add, “I forgot I’m driving.”

     Jared gave him a patronising pat on the arm.

    “What a shame, Cos,” he said, smirking devilishly as he prised the bottle away from his brother. “Lucky we’re not.”

     “Hey!” protested Cosmo, but was ignored as Jared turned and raised a suggestive eyebrow in Isaac’s direction.

    “No way,” Isaac said, eyes widening slightly. “No, Jared. Bad idea.”

    “Relax,” said Jared, in a way that for some reason just made Isaac look even more apprehensive. He slid the vodka back into Cosmo’s plastic bag and left the collection of faux-leather chairs around a table where they were sitting. When he returned, it was holding a tray with three cokes on it. The ferry was pretty empty, perhaps as it was so near Christmas, and the alcove where they were sitting was right in the corner of the ‘lounge’ area, so nobody saw him pulling out the vodka again.

     Isaac covered his glass.

    “Still no,” he said, nose wrinkling up, and Jared just raised an eyebrow.

    “Don’t think I’ll hesitate to pour this on your hand.”

     Isaac rolled his eyes and withdrew his arm.

    “This is so LG, J,” he groaned, as Jared poured generous amounts into his and Isaac’s glasses. “I thought you were supposed to be cool. You’re a disappointment to bad boys everywhere.”

    “One- please never use the phrase ‘bad boys’ again; I think I may just’ve thrown up. Two: we’re on holiday, lighten up!” He smiled winningly, to which Isaac just returned an unfooled death stare. “Just think of it as pre-drinks.”

    “Pre-drinks for what?” demanded Isaac in horror, at the same time as Cosmo grumbled,

    “You’d better pay me back.”

    “C’mon Cos, it could just be a brotherly gesture of-”

    “-broship?” suggested Cosmo, looking slightly appeased. Jared suppressed the urge to gag.

    “Er…yeah! Broship.”



     Despite his initial protests, Isaac’s glass was the first to be finished and he went back up to the bar and came back bearing lemonade.

    “Because vodka and coke is gross, J, it just makes the coke all flat and weird.”

    “He’s right,” nodded Cosmo helpfully.

    “I’m always right,” Isaac commented with a what-can-you-do shrug, smiling indulgently as he patted Jared on the shoulder. He reached back into the bag for the vodka and sloshed a healthy amount into his lemonade. “Much better,” he murmured, pleased with himself.

     Jared stared at him a moment, grin twitching at his lips, and then said,

    “You really are a massive lightweight, aren’t you?”

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