Hey Guys

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So, my story kinda did a lot better than I expected it to, honestly I was writing it because a friend said that they believed I could so I wanted to prove them right.

Their is a few things I wanted to mention seeing as we are around the corner, from, in my opinion a big event going forward, and I felt like its about time I actually take my new favourite activity with some form of seriousness (not that I haven't, but more so).

First thing I wanted to get across, I am not in this for the views. Now you could argue I am by my releasing scheme, and you know what, thats a fair point. However the reason for that is I myself have an attention span that requires me to take things at a pace and not just drop a chapter every 2 to 3 days. As much as i have been trying to get a Chapter out per week, I've done my best around time constraints and I have brought a chapter a week. So when all the chapters are done, for those who would prefer I will be merging all the parts of a chapter and make it a Chapter to Chapter story.

Second thing also relates to the size of my parts. see, by developing a part every couple of days, it enables me to have a generalised idea what type of writing you guys like, albeit, its very difficult with how I want to write it to consistently please everyone, with some specifics I am finding it hard to please myself with my work. I pick up on the small things, whether i have 100 reads or 100 thousand, its not a important to me as having a set audience, now I don't know if people read the intro and just blew off the idea of reading because it based on someones personality or whatever; however, the steady decline, has in one way shape or form been on my mind the entire time. I don't want 100K reads if I can't keep 50 people engaged in a story.

The final thing. Now I like to look at other stories that follow my tags, as I am an arknights player I like to see the creativity of others - it gives me something to push my quality level towards even more. But I am not making my story a harem, there are several endings already developed and saved as potential endings but they are all solo routes. Now I am not trying to go after anyone, I just personally feel, harem routes just distract from a story, and thats my opinion. sorry if you don't like it but thats how I am. Now I am not saying by any stretch of the imagination their's gonna be no pairing of characters, but please remember - and i should've said this sooner. I am not writing just a Fan fic because its the story i want, I am trying to write a story to show you a different perspective of the story.

Overall I really want to thank those who support my work, I do give it my all and I do want to keep improving. I hope with some changes to the core story the next chapters to come will provide some form of surprise. Please leave any questions you have for me or the story in the comments, it's really the only way you guys can help me give you a better story with what you'd like to see more.

If your still with me thanks for taking the time to read this and I'll see you in the next chapter.

P.S. the next upload won't be chapter 4 more so the continuation of the end of chapter 3. I don't feel that the sequence should take up a part of the the main chapter so I'll be introducing the first of the Unknown chapters, which will work slightly differently than the regular chapters.

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