Chapter 5 - The Invitation and Question Part 1

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 After 2 weeks of small training doses and a lot of time to recover, myself and my squad was sent to the training grounds of Patriot where his personal residence was. Me and my squad was given a small quarters where we could rest, I doubt I would, I was plagued with nightmares they started occurring after my last battle, it was the same image, holding someone in my arms a gaping hold where there stomach is, crying it was enough to get me angry and the person didn't even have a face. I spoke with the doctors, they weren't trained. So I went to speak with Patriot. I knock on his office door.

"Come in." I entered the room. "Ah Continuum, take a seat. How can I help you?" As I sat down i just lost my composure.

"I-I can't deal with the emotions I'm having, My mind is swirling into a massive mess where all I can see is someone suffering, and I can't rewind the injury because of the magnitude. slowly they keep trying to reassure me, as if I'm the one who needs that, that its all going to be alright and then they pass away in my arms. I can't sleep because it torments me Patriot, and honestly thats not what I had planned to talk about, but it's getting the better of me. I can't control my anger anymore, I can't control my sorrow, my sadness, my grief. Slowly but surely they are getting worse and worse and I don't want to physically deal with this. Its eating away at me. Like a parasite feeding on its host. I just don't know what to do anymore." For the first time he took his mask off in front of me. his grey eyes, worn away by battles, the rage of his soul still lingering in his eyes though. His cheeks scarred as if slashed 100 times. The pain and kindness splintering in the same direction as if he can't decide how he feels.

"I understand the torment, but I can never understand how you yourself feel. I am me as you are you, but that means whatever I say may not even help. However I hope it does, you had to inner resolve to ask someone for help, I don't see weakness I see courage, I am not quite what the armour and mask portray me to be, I made a lot of mistakes and I made a lot of good choice - Raising FrostNova, was highhandedly my best decision. She's been through so much, losing everything within her first 14-15 years of life, I am glad she see's me as a father. Maybe I don't know how you feel and you don't know how I feel but I know we both have burdens, maybe we prefer to carry them alone or with others help if we need, but-" Patriot was interrupted as FrostNova walked in.

"I will help you carry yours, Continuum, if you feel that would help. And as for your nightmares, I recommend trying a different action next time, nothing is set in stone. Hello daughter, how may I help you?" She looks embarrassed for barging in. "Tallulah is asking if you'll be available to lead an attack? She know's I'm off duty for a recuperation break so she's asking if you'll be able to go." He took a moment of thought before answering, he looked at me, looked out the window for a few seconds before replying.

"I am doing training with some of my finest, I would not wish to weaken my forces if it can be helped, So I will not be available. Sorry." and with that FrostNova departs.

"She may seem a bit cold, but let me tell you why she was embarrassed their. It wasn't interrupting out meeting, it was because you were here. She talks a lot about you, when you aren't around; I heard about the reports from the last battle, despite not using your arts to fight you were able to push back an enemy with a being a tenth at least of your enemies size until backup arrived. That's impressive even if its just for a few minutes. But you protected my Daughter, with your life on the line - thats what I consider worthy of respect. Went on a slight tangent from business. But thank you for everything you've done so far. I will do my best to help you."

"Thank you Patriot, I will never give up in terms of freeing the people from the undeserved hate. I will not fall until my mission is done, and that I swear on my life. As for FrostNova, I will defend her as I have done: Until my last breathe. Which reminds me, of the other matter, Patriot, I like you daughter, and I wanted to tell you face to face rather than keep that hidden." He ever so slightly smiles, as I say this.

"I am glad a man worthy of my daughter see's her in such a way, she will never admit to wanting that, but deep down she may have me and her yeti squad, but shes lonely. I will say though, unlike many who have stood before me and said similar, your the only one she hasn't directly said to me has no chance, and you have my approval too, the rest did not. so maybe you have what it takes to turn the heart of ice into something different. Anyway, Continuum, let's discuss our training schedule shall we?" and with that we proceeded to discuss the training regime for me and my men.

FrostNova POV

Wait, Continuum... does like me? but why...

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