Why, Hello

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 I twirled in my new silk dress and smiled. My hair held in a long fish-tail braid with various small flowers adorning it. "Lina, it's time to go, dear," my mother said. "Yes, mother," I replied walking up to my parents. They were waiting quietly by the door. Mother and father were wearing their best clothes, as I was. "You look lovely darling!" my mother beamed. "Thank you, mother," I said, smiling.

I am not a conceded person, and I try hard not to come off as one, but my mother is always forcing me to do my hair, and wear silk dresses that "compliment my hourglass figure," as mother says. "So, are you ready?" my mother squealed, vaguely reminding me of a teenage girl. I slightly smiled at her excitement and nodded, "I'm ready."

We followed the guards silently, my parents hand in hand, only a few feet ahead of me. Father knows the castle very well-since he, of course, has come here so many times before. Father and Odin have been close friends for many eons; my father is general and has followed under Odin's command through multiple wars. Father has always wanted to bring us to the castle, but mother insisted I should not miss any of my classes.

She finally gave in... Which means either Odin has invited us, or something important is about to happen. Either way, I hope I am prepared. We entered the throne room, and I involuntarily let out a small gasp. It was the most magnificent room I had ever seen. You could practically feel the power vibrating off the walls just by standing there-a room truly fit for a king.
King Odin sat peacefully on his throne, his fair wife Frigg, who wore a golden dress stood, to his right, and his two sons to his left. I couldn't see their features well from where I stood, but I knew which prince was which. Thor, the god of Lightening, was the blond one wearing a silver winged helmet, and a red cape. Next to Thor, stood his brother (whom I believe his name to be Loki) was wearing a long horned, golden helmet, and was mostly dressed in green and black. He was the god of Mischief. My father had mentioned the princes on many accounts, allowing me to know the difference between both of them without ever meeting them.

"Agmund son of Folvar! Welcome to you and your family my friend!" beamed the Allfather, standing from his throne to greet us. His family made their way down too, following Odin. My father was greeted with a firm hand shake by Thor, Loki and Odin and curtsy by Frigg. Mother curtsied in return, then immediately pulled me forward so she may introduce me.

Now that I was closer to the princes, I realized how handsome they truly are. Both strangely handsome, but in their own ways. Thor was buff, his blue eyes shinned brightly, and his blonde hair complimenting his skin. Loki wasn't quite as muscular as Thor, but he had stunning eyes, and an alluring smirk. I curtsied and said as calmly as possible, "It is an honor to be in your presence." Even though I could not see my mother smiling-I knew she was. I had said the exact words she had previously asked me to say.

Thor and Loki both introduced themselves, and then one after the other, took my hand and landed a small kiss on it. I felt shivers run down my spine. The first time I will properly be socializing with boys-and they were insanely handsome. Why did they have to be handsome? I'm not ready for this! I don't think I'm even ready to have an intelligent conversation with them. What topics does a prince discuss regularly? I suddenly feel very small and terrified. I was supposed to be brave, prepared, and everything my mother told me to be, but now I'm worried about how much of a fool I'll make of myself.

Allfather merrily lead us to the dining room, in a deep conversation with my father. Frigg and my mother were also conversing excitedly. This left me awkwardly walking in front of Thor and Loki. The white silky dress that earlier today made me feel pretty, now made me feel fat and itchy. Two strand of my hair had loosened from my braid and now laid lightly on my forehead. I must look like a mess. I should have worn my other dress. I should not have worn these childish flowers in my hair. Somehow, without me even noticing, we had made our way to the dining table and now we were all seated. Thor and Loki sat next to each other right in front of me. I averted their eyes and pretended to be very interested in my fork. The food was wonderful and conversations passed by me like sounds of busy honey bees. I refused to look at either of the princes, and found myself relieved when all our plates were emptied.

"Loki, Thor, why don't you show Lina the gardens?" said Frigg, smiling softly at her sons. I swallowed hard at the mention of my name. "With pleasure," smirked Loki as he and his brother stood and motioned me to follow. I gave a quick glance at my mother, who smiled at me encouragingly. Knowing there was no way I could deny (that would be a great insult to the queen), I stood from my seat, pushed it in, and followed Thor and Loki.

The fresh air in the garden helped my breathing. There was a large marble fountain in the middle surrounded be bushes of all types of amazing flowers. I sat on the brink of the fountain, the cold marble shooting a chill through my body. In the cold air, my senses awoke. The sun was almost done setting, leaving the sky mostly purple and black, streaked with one or two rays of light. Loki was leaning against a willow tree a few feet away from the fountain, but his gaze was on me. Thor was picking at something in a nearby bush, pretending not to be watching me. I felt my chest tighten and my face felt warm. "I love your garden." I said feeling that the silence was choking me. Thor turned to me, smiling. "It is quite delightful here, isn't it?" I nodded, "Yes, I bet it's breathtaking during the day."

"It is," said Loki, "Especially when the sun light hits the flowers in just the right way." I closed my eyes, imagining the light running through the leaves and petals, sending a golden glow as its reflection bounced off the water of the fountain. "That sounds brilliant," I sighed.
So far, our conversation was going well, and possibly meant in their eyes I didn't seem a complete fool. "You evidently like flowers" said Loki, pointing at his hair. I reached for my own hair, and remembered the small white flowers adorning it. "Yes, actually I do."
"What is your favorite flower?" asked Thor casually. "Well, I like blossoms." I answered, "I feel they symbolize rebirth, second chances and the opportunity of something new and wonderful."

Loki POV
I watched my silly brother's reaction to Lina's response. I suppose he expected a plain girly answer like "Roses because they're romantic." My brother should know better, obviously, she isn't an average girl. She was brought up by one of the most important families in Asgard. Of course, she would answer something well thought of. Lina is, so far, the most exquisite girl I have ever seen, and I knew by the way my brother looked at her-that he thought the same. Thor took a small blossom from a tree and handed it to her. Lina thanked Thor and I watched her cheeks grow a soft pink color. Thor always get everything; the pride, the love, the throne...Well he isn't going to get the girl, not on my count.

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