Strange Joy

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I nervously played with my hair. This was it. The crowd roared as Thor burst in. I had to admit, my brother in law could be full of himself at times. Still, Loki's plans were completely unnecessary. I felt Loki's hand intertwine with mine, as we stood next to one another as husband and wife. The ceremony began, all I could think was how much Thor would despise me when he found out the truth. I held my breath as Odin became silent.

"Loki, when they find out what you have done Odin will not be pleased to say the least."
"You mean, if they find out, which no one will."
"How can you be so sure?" I frowned, crossing my arms.
He rolled his eyes. "I have planned everything very carefully."
"Yes, and what if something unexpected occurs?"
"Do you not think me clever enough to figure it out?"
"Do not twist my words."
"I am not." he winked cheerfully. How strange it is to see my husband so gleeful over ruining his brother's day.
I sighed, fixed his hair and mumbled, "You should go, Thor might throw a fit."
"You were right, having you on my side has made things easier."
I watched him leave, feeling a vast emptiness.

"Are you sure?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.
I stared at my husband for a while. The candlelight shining on his pale face. Our hands intertwined.
"I do not know what you are planning, nor why. I am afraid that this is yet another trick of yours. But I do know that I am tired of fighting you, or my fate. I will forevermore stand by your side, hide your secrets, and love you as your wife."
"Do you swear?"
"I, Lina daughter of Agmund and Hillevi, wife of Loki Odinson swear to this on my life."
He grinned darkly."It is done."

"What is troubling you, child?" Airiana asked softly
"Nothing. Please leave."
Airiana studied me carefully before leaving. I could tell I had upset her, I would have to apologize later but for now, I needed to be alone. I stepped out of my shoes, rested on my bed, and took my journal out of my drawer along with ink and a silver quill. Clearing my mind I began to write.
I worry about Loki, Thor, Odin, and Frigga. Loki claims to only wish to teach Thor a lesson, in order to make him a better king but I do not believe him. There is a harbored hate inside him. I thought after the other night-after what we did he would confess the truth to me. And although I now know more, I believe he hides the complete truth. Why does he not trust me, after all I have done? After the spell... He knows I cannot betray him and yet he pulls away. I have tried to be a good wife to him, what am I doing wrong?

Later on the night, Loki returned silently to our dorm. His eyes were glassy as if he was on the brink of tears. I did not ask him what was wrong, instead, I held him tight and prayed a silent prayer that all was well. Loki seemed pained, he did not speak, but simply held onto to me as if for dear life. Before drifting off into sleep he muttered.
"There is no turning back now."

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