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Lina stood silently at the balcony, watching the sunrise. Her young son had finally fallen asleep after a night of endless crying. Lina had not slept for several days, partially because of the baby. But even when the baby lay quietly resting, Lina stayed wide awake. Images of her husband's death bounced around her mind, tormenting her at all times. Loki had died before meeting his firstborn child. Leif Lokison. Lina knew at some point she would have to break out of this haze. Her son would need her but at the time life seemed so unbearable. As the sun slowly rose and brought new light over Asgard Lina thought back to when she first met Loki. He had been charming but at the time Lina had actually been more keen on Thor. Of course, after time Loki had schemed his way into her heart and although it was not a very romantic way to fall for her husband, Lina could not deny that she did love Loki. Scheme or no scheme.

Lina was brought back to reality when she heard a light knocking at her door. She brushed away the tears that had rolled down her soft cheeks and quickly strode to the door, hoping the knocking would not awaken her sleeping son. She pulled open the heavy door and to her surprise, found none other than the king of Asgard at her door. She bowed immediately, shocked to find him at her door at such hours. Odin had not only allowed Lina and Leif to stay but had altered her old room (that she had shared with her husband) to accommodate for the child. There were no words to explain how thankful she was to him.

"May I?", spoke Odin, motioning his arm to the room.

Lina pulled the door farther, "Of course my King. Come in."

Odin stepped into the main bedroom as Lina closed the door behind him.

"If I may be so bold as to ask, why have you come at this hour my king?"

Odin paced around the room, not meeting her eyes.

"I knew if I did this I would not be able to tell you. I knew I could not share the truth with you. But I suppose I did not expect it to be quite so difficult. So lonely."

Lina took a step closer, her eyes glued onto the old king. "I am afraid I do not understand."

"To be completely honest I half expected you to recognize me by now. But I suppose I'm a better Odin than expected. Perhaps an even better Odin than Odin himself."

Lina's eyes widened with realization.


A green light shined and suddenly Loki stood smiling at the spot where Odin had been.

"I see you named him Leif-I'm assuming because of the meaning? Descendant, Heir, Legacy. You were always about the little things", he chuckled and she stared at him in bewilderment, "Oh come love, you didn't really believe some dirty elves would be able to keep me away from my son did you? Where is the little ankle bitter?"

Without warning, Lina reached for the silver brush on her nightstand and threw it at Loki's head. He ducked, barely missing the heavy brush.

"You bastard. I mourned you! Your brother mourned you. I have spent countless hours crying my eyes dry because of you and this entire time you were alive? Is this a silly little game for you? Are you so oblivious to the emotions of others that you could do this? To leave me to believe that my son was fatherless while you ate grapes and played king?", cried out Lina, her cheeks red from rage.

Loki slowly came closer, his hands up in defeat and mindful of the fact that she had already reached for something new to angrily throw at him.

"I apologize. It was the only way-"

"It was not the only way you-you snake. You abandoned your family! You abandoned your son!"

As she readied to throw a small brown book at him, Loki jumped at her and yanked the book from her hands. Vexed that her weapon had been taken, Lina slapped him square on the cheek.

Loki winced, "I probably deserved that."

"And more.", she hissed.

Loki huffed, took her hands and guided her to the bed, where they sat in silence for a while. Lina glared at him until a small cry caught their attention. Loki's face lit up with curiosity. Lina bit her lip and studied his face carefully before sighing in frustration, "Come. Meet your son."

Loki had already met Leif but only as Odin. He had not had the chance to meet Leif as his father. To properly hold his son. His legacy. This had been one of the reasons why he had come clean to Lina. He could no longer watch from afar. He wanted-no-needed to be with his son. To watch him grow. He needed to hold his wife at night. He needed them. He knew it would take a while for Lina to forgive everything he had put her through, but as she place their child in his arms, he felt hope.

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