Fly Away

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It has been a week since dinner at the castle. Personally I believe it went quite nicely. I was able to mildly converse with both Loki and Thor without saying something completely idiotic. After a short while, we were called back because it was time for my family and I to go home. Frigg had invited me to come over once again this afternoon, not being able to deny, I accepted.

I walked out of the tub, dried myself, and accidentally faced the mirror. Quickly I looked away and headed for my room. I despise mirrors. I despise my reflection. If I stare at my reflection for more than 5 seconds I begin to point out flaws or particular aspects that I do not like about myself. You would think that someone who is always told she is beautiful would believe it-but no.
I slipped on my light blue dress, and quickly brushed my hair.
"You look lovely m'lady" said Airiana, the family maid ()
I turned to her smiling "Thank you Airiana, you look nice today as well. You don't have to set my bath, I already took it."
She shook her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
"M'lady you should let me do my job."
"Airiana you know I don't like you doing things that I am completely capable of accomplishing myself."
"The fact still stands: it's my job. I have to do something."
"You clean the house! And you cook, and attend to us!"
"Your parents have other maids that attend to them and clean. I take care of you, but you always do everything for me." she argued
"Not true! I never do my own hair!"
She chuckled lightly "Alright, child. Do you want me to braid it?"
I nodded happily as I sat on the floor, so that she may sit on the stool and arrange my hair. Airiana has been our maid since many years before my birth, she practically raised me. Don't tell my mother, but I am closer to Airiana than her.
"There you go dear."
I stood up an felt the braid with the tips of my fingers.
"Thank you Airiana!"
"You're welcome, now hurry up! You don't want to keep the queen waiting!"

"I hope you don't mind taking our meal outside." said the queen once more
I took a sip of my warm drink "No not at all."
"It's just I had forgotten I promised my boys I would spend time with them today. Silly me." Something gave me the impression she had not forgotten at all.
I smiled "The day is lovely, it would have been foolish of us to spend it in doors."
Content with my response she turned to Thor and Loki, who had been dueling or something of the sort. I am not truly one hundred percent sure what they were doing since I had spent most of my time here day dreaming. It isn't my fault that all Frigg wanted was to invite me over to eat and talk. There was really nothing I could think of that could interest her, what else could I do? I had already eaten my food, there was nothing more for me to do, yet she had me here still.
I looked around and spotted a small bed of daffodils. I absolutely love the way they look like small suns when the rays of light hit them.
I felt a refreshing breeze go through my hair, drawing my attention .
The princes seemed to have finished whatever they were doing. Loki strode over to us and sat down next to his mother.
I giggled "Did you do that Thor? The breeze I mean."
"Indeed." Thor said giving me one of his charming smiles.
I couldn't help smiling back.
"Thor can basically control the wind with Mjölnir! It's amazing!" beamed Frigg
"Did you know that the mortals believe Thor to be the god of thunder." said Loki chuckling
"Have either of you gone to Midgard?" I asked excitedly, "My father has visited Midgard once or twice and I have read a few books that mentioned it, but I had never had the opportunity to go. It was obvious that Midgardians are very oblivious and a little inferior-but for some unknown reason I find myself fascinated by them.
"Both Loki and I have gone. Only for a short while, and many years ago."
"What was it like?" I asked eager for more information
Thor shrugged "Nothing truly surprising. They had lakes, mountains, and cities like any other world."
I frowned for a second. How disappointing. 
"I remember reading an old Midgardardian book refering to you both as Gods.  and remember what you said, Loki, about Thor being the God of Thunder? You were believed to be the God of Mischief."
Loki chuckled lightly.
Thor laughed. "He does not seem it does he? But you would be most surprised, my brother can be quite mischievous at times!"
I smiled at them and had a sudden thought.
"Thor can you fly?"
Something twinkled in Thor's eyes. He didn't answer, instead he raised his hammer in the air. Before I could question his actions, a soft wind blew by, raising Thor into the air.
I gasped as Thor flew around us.
"I suppose that answered your question" said Loki sarcastically
Thor landed and extended his hand towards me.
"Would you like to fly?"
I felt a knot in my throat.
"No thank you. I am not sure I was born to fly..."
Thor took my hand, pulling me to him.
"Hold on tight" he said to me before lifting his hammer.
I wrapped my arms around him quickly. The wind surrounded me, tugging lightly at my dress and hair. I couldn't think straight. I wanted to land. I needed to land. My breathing hitched and I could no longer make out anything below me. Everything was blurry. I closed my eyes and tried to push away the truth-and with it the past.

Loki POV
Well that's one way to sweep a girl off her feet, brother.
Thor landed with Lina tensely holding on to him. When her feet touched the floor her eyes shot open and she quickly released my brother. I could tell she was trying not to cry. That's interesting...
Lina gave Thor a nervous smile before thanking him and excusing herself to the restroom.

Lina's POV
I raced down the hall panting. Breathe. Block away all thought. I turned sharp at the corner-nearly meeting the wall. Confused I looked around.
"I am an idiot!" I yelled at no one in particular. I had gone in the direction that my bathroom was. But I am not in my home. I was at the palace. I have no idea where their restrooms are. My heart was no longer beating rapidly and my breathing had softened. Too tired to look for the actual restroom, I slumped down on the floor and rested my back against the wall.
"Are you alright? You left in quite a hurry."
I looked up startled by the voice of Loki.
"I-I am feeling exceptionally we-ll." I stuttered, desperately trying to make myself look presentable. I was almost 100 percent sure that my eyes were red from the tears that wanted to come and my hair would be a mess from the air.
"I apologize, but that is not what it seemed like as you ran off."
I felt a shot of anger. His sarcasm and smirked irritated me for not understanding. For not leaving me alone.
"Yes well, what did it seem like?" I sniffed angrily. I was most likely acting in the same manner as a six year old child. I no longer care. I feel frustrated, angry. All I want is to go home and rest.
Loki knelt down next to me.
"You seemed frightened. You worried me."
I looked into his dazzling eyes.
"I-I am sorry. I had not thought or believed that you or anyone would worry. I just needed to get away." I said feeling a pang of guilt driving away the anger.
"You know I heard somewhere that sharing one's problem with someone else allows oneself to feel better." he said as he shifted to sit next to me.
I nervously glanced at the end of the corridor.
"You have to promise not to is rather embarrassing "
Loki drew an X over his heart, ran his fingers over his lips exaggeratedly before saying "Cross my heart, my lips are sealed-I swear."
His childish actions made me laugh. I turned to my hands, sighing, trying to clear my mind.
"I am afraid of heights."
Loki gave me a puzzled expression.
"Is that all?"
"No. See-this took place many years ago. When I was small-my deepest dream was to fly. Everyday I would watch the birds fly away and then back at night. I wondered where they left to-what marvels they witnessed. I envied them so much, their ability to leave whenever and wherever their heart desired. They had what I longed: A sense of freedom. One day I had a terrible dispute with my mother. Between rage, tears, and pain-I spotted a small humming bird zoom by my window. I foolishly stepped to my balcony, closed my eyes, spread my arms...I thought...possibly I could fly..."
"You jumped?" croaked Loki
I nodded, whipping away the tear that had been freely rolling down my cheek.
"Luckily my father had been in the garden at the time. He caught me just in time. The fall will forever more remain in my head. The nearing hard ground-the cold air-the wind howling at my ears. Ever since...I am terrified of heights."
Loki didn't say anything. We remained seated, engulfed in the calm silence. I mentally thanked Loki for not saying anything immediately, the silence in a strange way was comforting.
"You were right." I said quietly
"I do feel better-after sharing it with you."
Loki winked "I am always right."
I rolled my eyes and giggled.
"I am not utterly certain that you are right at all times-yet I must admit, in this case you were."
Loki stood up "You better go back, they'll be wondering where you are soon."
"Where we are." I said standing up as well
"Actually I am currently sitting next to mother conversing on how you are probably taking to long because you do not know the Palace very well."
"How is that possible?" I reached out to touch his shoulder "Loki you are-"
I stopped frightened. His shoulder had dissolved where I had touched him-except...I hadn't touched him. I had touched nothing.
Loki smirked at me.
"Did none of the books you read mention an explanation for this?"
I gasped remembering a certain paragraph which claimed Loki to have magical abilities.
"So it's true? You do have magic? What else can you do?"
He winked "Many other things dear. But for now it's best you get back."
"You will show me-what you can do-later, right?"
"I promise to show you everything that I can do."

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