Dreams Part 1

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"It was the most amazing dream I have ever experienced, Airiana!"

She chuckled lightly as she braided my hair. "Was it?"
"Yes, it was magical."
She chuckled again "Well tell it to me, stop teasing!"
"I was in my dorm and everything was strange, unrealistically full of life and light."
"It is a dream-it was suppose to be unrealistic."
"Shhhhh! Do you wish to hear my dream or not?"
"Yes, yes dear. Continue."
"I stood from my bed, realizing that there was a bright yellow light coming from outside. I stepped to my window, pulled away the curtains...and found a most irregular sight, Airiana. The entire garden was replaced by yellow daffodils! Except for the middle, where a man stood in a tight circle of blossoms! It was the most breathtaking sight I have ever seen. And I knew just knew that he was the man for me. My true love."
"And who is this man?"
"I do not know. I was too far and could not make out who he was, but I wish I could have. Airiana, do you think my dream will come true? That this man from my dream exists?"
She gave me a soft smile "I do not know my sweet child. Dreams allow us to see what will come, what we dread, or what we wish. I do not know if such man exists-but if he does do not fret, he will come to you when it is his time."
"Lina are you ready?" called my mother as she entered my dorm
"Almost mother."
"Hurry then." she snapped before leaving my dorm.
That is my mother. She rarely ever speaks to me, and on the rare occasion in which she does it is straight to the point.
I turned to Airiana, frowning "Do you think that she will ever worry about me, rather than how presentable I am? That she will worry about how I feel?"
"She is your mother and loves you very much. It is hard for her to demonstrate her feelings, there are many people who find it difficult to share their true feelings. To show their love."
I stood up, not completely believing my mother had any feelings for me other than disappointment. None the less Airiana has never once been wrong.
"If you say so Airiana, yet I wish she were more like you."
She cupped my cheek with her fragile hand "I understand child. Now hurry, before your mother becomes upset. You very well know she disproves of tardiness."

It appears mother was so keen on leaving the house because we we were once more invited to the the palace. Unlike my last visit I am not anxious, instead I feel excitement. Thor and Loki are my only friends, I adore meeting with them-and can not wait to learn more of them. I have not been to the palace in two weeks, of which majority of that time Thor and Loki have filled my thoughts, mainly of my secret, and Loki's magical abilities. I wonder if he intends on fulfilling his promise.
The grandeur of the palace never ceases to amaze me, I find my eyes trailing around the great architecture wondering how anyone could possibly be accustomed to it. The greetings go as fast as last time, I smile at Thor and Loki, hoping I will have the opportunity to speak with them later the evening. The wonderful food, Loki's eyes, and Thor's smile distract me too often during dinner, almost causing me to miss Frigg's compliment on my hair.
I smile at her, aware of my mother's strong glare.
"Thank you. My maid, Airiana does my hair. She is very talented is she not?"
"Truly she must be! I believe I might have to steal her away, my dear."
Not knowing what to say I simply nodded, giving my best smile. What do you tell someone that my maid is not just my maid? She is family, and her ability to fix my hair is the last reason for which I would never give her up. After what seemed to be an eternity our plates were cleared, Thor, Loki, and I were excused to walk around as the adults conversed.
"Are we going to the garden?" I asked
"Actually, not this time, I am afraid some of our friends wanted to meet you," answered Loki
"Friends?" I asked nervously. I have to meet more people? Do not misunderstand me-I am happy to have Thor and Loki as friends, but it was so incredibly hard to accomplish that....how hard will it be to make more friends?
"Do not fret, you will like them." encouraged Thor
But will they like me?
As if he could read my mind Loki said, "They would be complete fools to not like you back."
"And I can assure you that even though they are not the smartest in all the realms-they are not fools." said Thor with a wide smile
That comforting spirit-lifting smile.
We reached a set of white doors, that opened as we neared, inside were many more then I had hoped. Three men and one woman, all in simple armor, relaxing near the fire. They all stood and smiled at us as we neared. I unconsciously took a step back accidentally into Loki. He gave me a soft smile, I gulped down.
I truly do not want to be here. All their eyes landed on me, making me feel quite small.
Thor took the initiative, he pointed to his friends, "Hogun, Volstagg, Sif, and Fandral," then he pointed at me "This is Lina."
I did curtsy "It is a pleasure to meet you"
They all introduced themselves and smiled at me.
"We have heard a lot of things from Thor and Loki, about you m'lady," said Fandral
"All good, I hope?" I asked smiling
"Of course. They have told us of your beauty." he smiled
I felt my cheeks warm up.
"My beauty?"
"Yes your beauty, and they were not mistaken. You are as lovely as the summer day, is she not Hogun?" said Vosltagg
"Indeed, or even more"
I knew now that I was blushing
"Your friends are truly gentlemen." I said to Loki and Thor
"Once you know them well, you will see that they are not" said Sif. Even though she was smiling at me-I had the strange sensation that she wanted to hurt me.
I followed her icy glare and realized she was also staring at Thor. Are they together? Does she harbor feelings for him? And if so, how could she even consider me a threat? She is strong and beautiful. She knows him well and is close to him. I am not strong, nor as beautiful as she, and I do not know Thor very well. Still, strangely I felt upset with the possibility of his arms being around her . Why I have these feelings I cannot explain.
Thor and his friends began to converse as I stood silently, feeling out of place.
"Do you like dancing?"
I turned to Loki and smiled "Dancing? That's a very irrelevant question."
He shrugged "Is that a no then?"
"I do not really know."
"How do you not know if you enjoy dancing?"
"I know how to dance, but I have never had a proper dance or a proper partner."
"Let us change that shall we?" he asked smirking, before extending his had to me.
"Right now?"
"Why not?"
"I-I...there is no music?"
He snapped his fingers, suddenly I could hear a harp softly playing a sweet tune.
I swallowed hard and took his hand. He pulled me to him and we began to dance. We moved in perfect sync, his hands around my waist and my arms around his neck. I lost myself in his forest green eyes, my feet barely touching the ground. His grip on my waist tightened as he lifted me in the air. I gigged, as the world swirled by all around me. He brought me down, but I lost my balance and nearly fell. Laughing, he steadied me with his arm and I giggled louder at how foolish I might seem at the moment.

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