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I brushed my hair aside, bracing myself.
"You have changed, dear child," Frigga said proudly as she stepped into my bedroom.
I smiled bravely, standing to face her.
"Yes, I must admit I have."
"I am glad. You are a good wife to my son, and for that, I must thank you."
I took her hand in mine.
"Will you come with me, to speak with the king."
She squeezed my hand. "Of course."
Together we made our way to the throne room, where the king waited. I felt chills as the golden doors closed behind us.

Thor's POV
As I arrived home I quickly bathed, dressed, and headed for the kitchen. My stomach ached of hunger. I examined the large bruise on my arm and smiled. The beast had been strong, but he had not been strong enough. I grabbed a large piece of ham and a chunk of cheese just as the maid pushed me out. I chuckled at how flustered she had become because I had come into 'her kitchen'. As I took small bites form my food I decided to find the company of my beloved sister in law. I smiled as the sunny rays flowed through the windows, bringing a warm glow into the palace. Asgard was indeed beautiful, and I had enjoyed my return-but I longed for Midgard, for my fellow Avengers, and for my dearest Jane.

3rd POV
As Thor searched for his sister in law, she stood bravely inside the throne room alongside the Queen. The King's sight fixated on her alone. He was puzzled, why would this woman remain so loyal to his son...even after everything that had taken place with Loki-she remained loyal. Lies, trickery, and kidnapping. But of course, there she was in front of him, standing her ground. Her determination both pleased and surprised Odin, he now had proof that he had chosen Loki's bride wisely. He held his hand up, causing the young princess to cease her rapid talking. She shifted her weighed, fearful that Odin would deny her. Frigga smiled at her in an encouraging manner, praying that her husband would allow their child to at least have his wife at his side during these most troubling times. When Thor realized that his sister-in-law was nowhere to be seen, he sought to find his mother. Perhaps his mother would know where to find Lina. As he turned the corner, lost in thought he nearly bumped into the two women he had been searching for.
The two women jumped back in alarm, and sigh gleefully when they recognized Thor.
"My apologies.", said Thor with a crooked smile on his lips.
Lina and Frigga smiled back, their faces glowing with joy.
Lina took Thor's hands in hers and taking a deep breathe to contain her extreme excitement before telling Thor the news, "Thor, good fate shines upon us. Your father has granted me permission to visit Loki-within the cell."
Thor was shocked, he did not know to react. He could not believe that his father had granted Lina permission since he knew how stubborn and strong-headed his father could be (something both his sons had in common with Odin). And even though Thor himself was not sure how he felt about the situation, he knew that his sister in law required his support.
So in spite of his personal feelings, he pulled his friend into his arms, giving her a tight hug and saying"We must celebrate!"

Lina could not hide the bright smile on her lips, today was a joyful day. Soon she would be able to touch, hug, and kiss her husband. Her soul longed for Loki, after all, they had been parted since the day he had attempted to take over Middle Earth. In a way, Loki had not been the only one imprisoned. Lina was constantly followed and watched over (Odin called them an 'escort' to keep her safe but she knew better.) She wasn't trusted. And although this caused her sadness, Lina knew she had to focus on the positive side. For one she would finally be with her husband, and for now, that would have to do.

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